Sunday, February 21, 2016

Press release on the phone conversation between the HR/VP Federica Mogherini and US Secretary of State, John Kerry

The HR/VP Federica Mogherini, had yesterday and today phone conversations with the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on the crisis in #Syria and the situation in the #Middle_East. They shared views on the implementation of the measures decided last week in Munich by the International Support Group for Syria.

In particular, they discussed the ongoing diplomatic efforts to reach a cessation of the hostilities and the positive progress of the task force for the humanitarian assistance, in which the European Union plays a key role, that has already managed to deliver aid to the population in parts of Syria.

HR/VP Mogherini  informed US Secretary of State John Kerry of the debate in the European Council that, in its conclusions yesterday, unanimously supported the agreement reached in Munich and the efforts to fully implement it, including the mediation conducted by the UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura, with whom she also spoke today.

Mogherini and Kerry also discussed the follow up of the meeting of the principals of Middle East Quartet held last week in Munich.

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