Friday, December 24, 2021


Запад давит на Киев, - Сергей Гармаш



I’ll Follow The Sun

The world of pensioners. Weather. Love and blood.

“In the midway of this our mortal life,

I found me in a gloomy wood, astray

Gone from the path direct..”

“When I travel I have nothing to care for but myself, and the laying out; my money; which is disposed of by one single precept; too many things are required to the raking it together; in that I understand nothing…”

In the end of this mortal life the world of retirees is not so terrible as it might seem at first glance. You can consider this world as the threshold of hell, of course, but this is not entirely true. 

First, it is huge. Its immensity does not mean the desolation of the lunar landscape. On the contrary, everyone can find something to their liking here.

Saturday, December 18, 2021


 Gender. Women.

Mykyta Pysar

"But it is very dangerous to look deeper into the hearts of women." 

- "Dead Souls", a novel by Mykola Gogol.

"Yes! I got married. But I didn’t die.” - from a conversation between two men in a Kyiv bar.

“Tu mettrais l'univers entier dans ta ruelle,

Femme impure! L'ennui rend ton âme cruelle.” - Charles Baudelaire

Gender! Gender! Gender! The wave of gender, like a tsunami as high as Mont Blanc, rolls around the globe. 

I can still see from here a clear calm morning on the beach in Pandemonium, where all these Charlie Weinstein’ brothers are taking sea baths. Silence and serenity are present here. 

Где грань бeзyмия Пyтина? Борис Стомахин, беседа с Василием Миколенко на...

РФ шантажує США та далі стягує війська до кордонів України. Розбір нової...


Friday, December 17, 2021

Кремль взвинчивает ситуацию и объявляет ультиматум США и НАТО / Видео №103

Путин насмешил НАТО своими требованиями

Кремль взвинчивает ситуацию и объявляет ультиматум США и НАТО / Видео №1...


 White Church. Women. Motorcycle.

“To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman.”

"My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips' red;

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;"

It is absolutely wrong to consider a motorcycle as a means of escape from the surrounding reality. In fact, the motorcycle is a means of mental liberation.- from a conversation between two Kyiv private entrepreneurs.

Don't even ask me where I went after arriving at the White Church town. Naturally at a despicable McDonald's. 

Wherever I am and no matter how I condemn fast food, upon arrival in any city I head to McDonald's. Even moving along the Italian Autobahn, like Captain Ahab and his team, I gaze at the top of another hill to see if there will be a whale fountain and a white hump, in the sense of the familiar McDonald's tower. 

As Polybius' Roman legionary in any country will find an equally equipped military camp, so I know for sure what I will find at McDonald's. 

Кликав росію у Крим, а тепер нема води! – дід в Алушті плачеться, але ус...

Цимбалюка сажают в России: "Я как Путин в Дрездене"

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Невзоровские среды на Эхо Москвы 15.12.2021


 Black hats and women

Mykyta Pysar

“Surprisingly worthy and incomprehensible God in his judgments, merciful and infinitely patient, just in punishment. From time immemorial, since the creation of this visible world, He has exalted some states and nations on the righteous scales of His providence, and humbles others for sins and iniquities, enslaves some - liberates others, exalts some - overthrows others.”

Thus begins the preamble to the world's first constitution, authorship of the Ukrainian hetman Pylyp Orlyk, written in 1570.  

Needless to say, Pylyp Orlyk's personality has deserved an adventure tv series for a long time. His monument stands in the Swedish city of Kristianstad, among other things. And I won't even ask after whom the French Orly airport is named).

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Муж помощницы Зеленского российский крот из Ростова? | Скандал с Гогилаш...

"Тебя припудрило? Ты что, тупой?" - ще одне відео розмови Гогілашвілі з ...

"Замміністра з таким є@алом": все про Олександра Гогілашвілі, хама-засту...

Зеленский за отставку Гогилашвили. Разумков опять у Ахметова. МИД Герман...

Скандальний заступник міністра МВС Гогілашвілі може мати російський паспорт

Истерика Лаврова - "Это не честно! США спасает Украину от нашей агрессии"

Росіян тут ненавидять! – кримнашистка плаче, бо навіть у Мексиці не любл...

Стало гірше! У Криму місцеві не раді окупації, а деякі росіяни тікають з...

Путину дали шанс спасти лицо. Если не воспользуется, Россия станет стран...

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Ukrainian Moto Zen after 60: Kyiv – Grossglockner (VI)

 White church and black hats

Mykyta Pysar

“The wise man, as the proverb says, is late for a fray, but not for a feast.” “To war and battle, as they say, long preparations, Socrates!”

I hope that those few readers who continue to read these notes dedicated to my motorcycle trip from Kyiv to Grossglockner still remember where this trip began. More precisely, it still begins because I am sitting in the McDonald’s on the ring road, thinking about various things that are irrelevant to the trip. But who knows Watson, who knows?

Гарри Каспаров - последнее предупреждение Путину!

Путін святкує перемогу, але скоро зрозуміє, що це поразка, – Піонтковськ...

Скандальное заявление Медведчука. ОПЗЖ поможет партии Путина ликвидирова...

Этот раунд Путин проиграл | Байден демонстрирует единство Запада | У Кре...

У России нет истории, поэтому Путин так бесится

МИД РФ ошеломлен: Казахстан выбрал путь Украины. Отказ от русского языка...

Monday, December 6, 2021

You are so dear to the Ukrainian heart, Wolfgang!

Mykyta Pysar 


Ukraine should focus on Finland, which is in the EU, but not in NATO, - said the chairman of the Munich Conference Wolfgang Ischinger (a quote from the Ukrainian edition of UMN).

It turns out Dear Wolfgang looks great and we hope he feels good. The Ukrainians do not feel so good at war with Russia as dear Wolfgang in Germany sitting on a Russian gas pipe.