Thursday, January 14, 2016

59% of imports in 2015 came from EU - Kyiv customs office

The amount of imported goods from the European Union has increased to 59% in 2015 from the whole volume of imports, compared to 49% in 2014.

The press service of Kyiv State Administration reported with a reference to Kyiv’s customs office.
Moreover, the amount of imports from Russia dropped from 27% in 2014 to 12% in 2015.

On the whole, Kyiv customs office transferred UAH 35.4 billion to the national budget of Ukraine over 2015, which is by 42% more than the level over 2014 that totaled UAH 24.9 billion.

Thus, Kyiv customs office daily transferred UAH 143.5 million to Ukraine’s budget in 2015.

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