Sunday, June 3, 2018

We are praying that Ukraine receives Tomos on the autocephaly of the Church - the Head of State

President Poroshenko hopes for a positive decision by the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to give Tomos on autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and appeals to Ukrainians around the world to pray with this all over Ukraine.
"The victory is not only the liberation of Ukrainian land. The victory is when for the first time, more than 300 years, Ukraine has got a real chance to create a United Local Orthodox Church and, most importantly, the Ukrainian Church" - said the President during his participation in the Prayer for Peace in Ukraine, along with the Ukrainian community of Spain, which took place. in the Cathedral of Almudena in Madrid.

"And we are praying that until the 1030th anniversary of the baptism of Ukraine-Rus by the holy apostolic prince Volodymyr, the Lord gave us this Tomos. And I ask you, dear brothers and sisters, for your prayers. Because miracles are created with a common prayer" - Petro Poroshenko appealed.
The president recalled appealing to His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew immediately after Easter, on a Great Monday, April 9, during his visit to Istanbul. He said that during a meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch he emphasized: "If there is the appeal of the President. if it is supported  by the whole Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, if there is the appeal of the Ukrainian hierarchs - the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate will be ready to give us Tomos about autocephaly."
"They say that it is President Poroshenko, the team,  the Parliament made this important decision. But I tell you that without God's will, without God's help, nothing would have happened. Church hierarchs together did not stand together for 30 years, and now they sat down and wrote and addressed. The Verkhovna Rada, by absolutely all factions, never stood firmly in the position of the Local Church ", - the Head of State also noted.
"I would be very happy to see this happen. And in the near future, I believe that we will succeed", - Petro Poroshenko added, expressing the conviction that Ukraine has won the right to have the United Local Church. After all, Ukraine paid a high price for it.

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