
Monday, June 25, 2018

Remarks by President Trump at a Roundtable Discussion on Tax Reform

THE PRESIDENT:   We love you, too.  We love you, too.  Well, I want to thank everybody.  This is great.  And, you know, they have me really working.  I gave a speech and a roundtable, and then another roundtable, and then another speech, and here we are.  (Laughter.)  And then we go home, but I don’t want to leave your state because I love your state.  (Applause.)  So maybe we’ll just — maybe we’ll just stay, Adam.  Right?
So I want to thank Dean Heller, who has been an incredible senator — worked so hard with us to get the taxes cut.  Very simple.  You know, I talk about reform, but it’s really tax cut.  There was plenty of reform also, but we had one of the great tax — really, the greatest tax cut and reforms ever in our country’s history, the biggest.  And so I want to thank you.  That was a fantastic job.  Dean Heller.  (Applause.)

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