Thursday, September 17, 2015

Eximagrokom warns of PUMB bank's impending raider attack on Chuhuyiv plant

Eximagrokom reports on a high probability of a raider seizure of its oil extraction plant in Chuhuyiv city, Kharkiv region. This is evidenced by the unidentified persons' attempts to enter the premises of the plant, as well as by a growing number of unidentified athletic men in the vicinity of the plant. Previously, in order to seize the plant from its owner, Rinat Akhmetov's First International Ukrainian Bank (or PUMB as it is better known by its Ukrainian acronym) has resorted to the use of fictitious co-signers to transfer the jurisdiction to a "loyal" court. Thus, the management of Eximagrokom has reason to believe that the raider seizure is being prepared by PUMB.
"On September 15, a group of people in black uniforms tried to enter the territory of our oil extraction plant in Chuhuyiv. After the unsuccessful attempt to enter the plant, they boarded four vehicles with Zaporizhia license plates and 'Sheriff' sign, and drove around the adjacent territory, obviously assessing security systems of the plant. Moreover, we came to know that a youth recreational center nearby the plant was fully booked through September 18-20 for the "arrival of the athletes," reported the head of Eximagrokom's legal department Eduard Danilov.

The lawyer added that the plant's management has already notified the city police of the impending raider attack on the Chuhuyiv plant, which is most likely to take place over the upcoming weekend.
"We would like to point out once again that Eximagrokom has never denied the existence of the debt to the PUMB bank amounting to UAH 36 million, and we do not disavow our obligation to pay it off. On the contrary, we recognize our obligation and do our best in the current difficult situation to make the payment. At the same time we protest against the illegal methods employed by the bank's managers, including Deputy Chairman Kostiantyn Shkolyarenko, in order to collect the debt. Namely, the bank had forged the co-sign contract with previously unknown to us Modern Business LLC, registered in Dnipropetrovsk, as to transfer the jurisdiction from Kyiv to the Economic Court of Dnipropetrovsk region, where "loyal" judges, including Judge Gennadiy Manko, make suitable for the bank rulings based on a single court hearing”, said Eximagrokom's director Serhiy Holub.
"Although PUMB has publicly commented on our statements, neither of the bank's press releases essentially refers to the fact of employing bogus co-signers, as well as to the bank’s attempts to take over Eximagrokom's property worth more than one billion hryvnia to repay the loan in the amount of merely 36 million! Even the "blind" Themis of the Dnipropetrovsk Court recognized this as a blatant inconsistency, and the court has suspended the proceedings until the expert examination establishes the market value of the collateral – the plant in Chuhuyiv," said Holub.
Eximagrokom's management has appealed to the prosecutor's office demanding to press criminal charges against the bank's management and the fake co-signor –Modern Business LLC – for fraudulent conspiracy with the purpose of taking possession of property.

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