Monday, September 21, 2015

The second Kyiv International Economic Forum ( October 8, 2015)

At the second Kyiv International Economic Forum, renowned experts will give advice on how to make all the sides of the social contract work on the economic growth of the country.
Economic growth drivers for Ukraine will be the focus of the second Kyiv International Economic Forum (KIEF). The Forum will take place on October 8, 2015. It has already become a real mauvais ton to justify the lack of business opportunities with either the global crisis or war in Donbas. According to many experts, the country has nearly reached the lowest point of economic growth which could become a starting point for upward movement. However, to make economic growth possible, we need close interaction between the government, business and society. Two separate panel discussions at KIEF 2015 will be focused on providing such cooperation.

For a developed democracy, the triangle "government – business – civil society" is the basis for balanced economic and social development. The main actors in this process are separated from each other and cooperate under clear rules. From the other side, in Ukraine we have a political-oligarchic system where state power, financial resources, political parties and media belong to several clan groups.
How do we make each of the three sides of the social contract look for joint solutions? How do we make accelerated economic development a national idea? How do we ensure civil society's impact on the authorities without Maidan? How do we organize effective interaction between businesses and public authorities, and thus avoid corruption? These and other questions will be answered during the discussion entitled "Business – Government – Society. The Magic Triangle for Successful Development" by renowned experts: Garry Jacobs, CEO of World Academy of Art & Science; Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Member of the Club of Rome; Andy Hunder, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine; Algirdas Semeta, Business Ombudsman in Ukraine; Dmytro Bondarenko, CEO of LIGA Group, Director of the informational agency LigaBusinessInform.
There are other extremely important areas, where the government, business and society should also interact with each other: education and science. For an improved education system to gain added value, but not cause a brain drain, it must be mounted in an innovation chain. This chain includes schools and high education, science, commercialization of inventions, launch of serial products and capitalization of companies. The absence or underdevelopment of any of these chain links makes the improvement of all other areas inefficient.
"The problem of a brain drain is quite serious now," said Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Kvit. "It may sound paradoxical, but I suggest developing international relations, promoting education and training our students and professionals in the best Western universities, teaching them foreign languages, especially English. Successful systemic reforms will prevent emigration of Ukrainian researchers and intellectuals. It will change our country for the better forever."
A panel discussion entitled "Education – Science – Business. How to Build a Relationship?" will cover these issues. Beside Serhiy Kvit, it will involve Burton Lee, lecturer at the European Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Stanford University; Ron Young, Founder of Knowledge Associates Cambridge Ltd; Singh Manmeet, Angel Investor and Mentor at Chinaccelerator. They will discuss a number of pressing issues: What is an innovative system and how to ensure its existence in Ukraine? How to engage the youth in the knowledge economy and creative economy? How to ensure commercialization and production of inventions? Online education — will it really become a powerful tool for rapid changes for better?
In general, the program of the second Kyiv International Economic Forum will consist of eleven panel discussions. The Forum will bring together several dozen influential foreign and Ukrainian speakers: leading economists and reformers, representatives of major international companies, businessmen, public figures and government officials.
According to the organizers of the Forum, the Ukrainian Association of Innovative Development and KOLO discussion club, Ukraine is capable of becoming a global leader. Therefore, the focus of the event is defined by the slogan "Ukraine: From the Third World to the First."
Registration for the second Kyiv International Economic Forum is now open. Follow the news on the Forum's website and on its official Facebook page.
The Kyiv International Economic Forum (KIEF) is a permanently operating venue for the formation of Ukrainian economic development strategy. It is aimed at organizing a dialogue between experts, businesses and government, borrowing the best international practices, and creating a road map for the development and promotion of the conversion of ideas into real action.
The first KIEF was held on October 2, 2014 with the participation of more than 50 experts, 120 representatives of international and national media and 550 guests.
Interfax-Ukraine News Agency is the KIEF's media partner.


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