Sunday, September 20, 2015

In Ukraine, came into force on European standards of food quality

In Ukraine, September 20 came into force, most provisions of the law №4179a "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the food."

"The law requires the introduction in Ukraine model of European security and food quality, based on the principle" from field to table. Without appropriate legislation, Ukraine will not be able to implement the quota for the supply of their food products under the Association Agreement with the EU ", - said in a memorandum to the law.

It is reported that the new law will significantly reduce the number of administrative procedures, control and override authorization procedures that do not exist in the EU. It also reported that now set certain requirements for the procedures of the state control of food products on the Ukrainian market and imported products in accordance with the European practice.

Under the new legislation, the company must have accurate information about how and where the raw materials were sent.

The Act contains specific rules which will come into force only after 2-5 years from the date of its publication. Starting today, entered into force of section VII of the Act - General hygiene requirements for the handling of food products, which require operators of the market to ensure a healthy and clean plants and animals that have an impact on human health.


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