Saturday, September 19, 2015

5-Step Legal Marketing Plan, Step 1: Identify Your Niche

If you want to ensure your marketing efforts provide a good return on investment, you must start with a marketing plan — a step often skipped in small or solo firms. You can avoid making emotional and often expensive decisions if you have a great marketing plan that identifies problems you may encounter in the future.

This series of posts will break down the five steps of building a useful marketing plan. By focusing on these five aspects, you can create a well-balanced marketing plan for your law firm that will help drive clients to your firm. Step one is below and covers identifying and defining your ideal client and niche. Over the next few months the other four steps will be covered, so stay tuned!

Spoiler alert: Advertising strategies will not be reviewed until step four, so don’t put the cart before the horse.

Know Your Ideal Client and Your Niche

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