Friday, September 16, 2016

Ukrainian President: Ukraine to expand sanction list of legal entities and individuals of Russia for violation of territorial integrity and sovereignty

At the NSDC session President Petro Poroshenko declared continuation of sanctions and expansion of sanction list of Russian legal entities and individuals somehow involved in violation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.
“Restrictive measures will be applied to Russian MIC enterprises, financial institutions supporting terrorist organizations of the so-called LPR/DPR, sea and air transportation companies, dealing with the occupied part of Ukraine in Crimea. This also concerns companies-operators whose vessels and aircrafts blatantly violate the Ukrainian law, visiting ports, despite the strict ban issued by Ukraine,” the Head of State said.

According to the President, this issue has already been elaborated by the Cabinet of Ministers, National Bank, Security Service and other institutions.
The President suggested including persons taking part in the parliamentary elections of Russia in the occupied Crimea to the list of individuals subject to sanctions. “We must agree that persons declared so-called winners of the illegal parliamentary elections of September 18 in Crimea will be take a decent place in the list of sanctions,” Petro Poroshenko said.
The President instructed NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov to revise the list of sanctions and include members of the election commissions and participants of the elections to the list.
The Head of State emphasized that Russia continued illegal detention of Oleg Sentsov, Oleksandr Kolchenko and other Ukrainian citizens and offered to impose sanctions regarding the participants of that shameful political processes - Russian employees of repressive bodies that are directly involved in torture and illegal conviction of Ukrainian patriots illegally held in Russia and in the occupied territories.

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