Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration K. Yelisieiev and Ambassador of the Netherlands to Ukraine condemned another manifestation of aggressive propaganda against Ukraine prior to the consultative referendum in the Netherlands

On January 19, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Kostiantyn Yelisieiev had a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine Kees Klompenhouwer. The parties discussed preparations to the consultative referendum in the Netherlands regarding the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

The Ukrainian party strongly disavowed the video address published in the evening of January 18, in which unidentified individuals attempt to impersonate the soldiers of the Ukrainian Azov regiment, threaten the Dutch side and burn the national flag of the Netherlands.

“This fake performance is a cynical manifestation of aggressive propaganda, which is obviously aimed against Ukraine, its international image and the Association Agreement with the EU.
Authors of this video lose their mind trying to use the last chance not to let Ukraine choose its own future independently. They failed to prevent the signature of the Association Agreement with the EU and now they are trying to stop its implementation and full entry into force,” Kostiantyn Yelisieiev noted.

The Ukrainian and Dutch parties share common position that such fake actions will not affect the high level of partnership and cooperation between the two countries. Propaganda move aimed to incite discord between the Ukrainian and Dutch nations will have an opposite effect in the world that adheres to the values of democracy, freedom and human rights. Flag burning is a repulsive desecration of the national symbol. Ukraine highly appreciates friendly and warm relations with the Netherlands and nobody in Ukraine will ever dare do this.


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