Wednesday, December 23, 2015

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury: The failure of the Parliament to adopt the State Budget of Ukraine this year could undermine international support for Ukraine

On Tuesday evening, December 22, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk had a telephone conversation with United States Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew.

During the talk the interlocutors discussed the state of the negotiations that the Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalie Jaresko are engaged in with the Verkhovna Rada members on the adoption of the State Budget for 2016, the comment of the U.S. Department of the Treasury press service reads.

“Secretary Lew underscored the urgency of Ukraine meeting its commitments to the IMF and highlighted the risks of undermining critical international support if the Rada delays this effort until next year”, reads the comment.
The Secretary of the U.S. Treasury stated that passing a fiscally sustainable budget as soon as possible is critical to underpin economic stability and for continued provision of financial assistance from the IMF and Ukraine's other international partners.

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