The National Labor Relations Act provides the legal framework for
private-sector employees to organize bargaining units in their workplace, or to
dissolve their labor unions through a decertification election.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Understanding the Law: the subject of the Law in a legal relationship
Volodymyr Machuskyy
The subjects of Law as particular have internal contradictions. Contradictions of subjects eliminated through legal relationship.
The source of legal relationship is a single - the interest of the subject of Law. The legal relation as a paricular for the subjects of law, having its source in a single - the intersts of the subjects, seeks to achieve the general - objectification interests of the subjects of Law.
Mejlis presents own vision of development of situation with power supply to Crimea
Chair of Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People, MP Refat Chubarov has said that
if Ukraine supplies power to Crimea in violation of Ukrainian law, the
Ukrainian president, Prosecutor General's Office and the National Security and
Defense Council (NSDC) should interfere in the situation.
He said at a briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday that the contract on supply
of electricity from Ukraine to Crimea expires on December 31, 2015, and it is
unknown what contract will be for next year.
He said that the documents on supplies of electricity to Crimea that
will be signed by representatives of Ukraine must say that electricity is
supplied to Crimea, the territory temporarily occupied by Russia.
"If this does not happen, the NSDC, Prosecutor General's Office and
the president should interfere in the situation. Why should we meet the needs
of the aggressor?" he said.
DCFTA creates new opportunities for Ukraine: Commissioner Malmström
The European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström is confident that the
introduction of the trade part of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on
January 1, 2016 will create unique opportunities for Ukraine to stabilise,
diversify and develop its economy, according to an UNIAN correspondent
reporting from Brussels.
“The entry into force of this trade area on 1 January 2016 creates
unique opportunities for Ukraine to stabilise, diversify and develop its
economy to the benefit of all its citizens. Assistance from the EU will be made
available to help Ukrainian SMEs seize these new opportunities, to grow, and
thereby create jobs,” reads the Thursday’s press release of the European
Commission quoting Malmström as saying.
NASAA Releases Its List Of Top Five “Investor Threats”: Same As It Ever Was
By Alan Wolper on Posted in Annual Report, NASAA
Right around Christmas, NASAA, the North American Securities
Administrators Association, which is comprised of the securities regulators
from each of the 50 states, released its annual list of the top five threats to investors. To compile the list, NASAA polled each state’s securities
commissioner to learn the “the five most problematic products, practices or
schemes.” The five items described below topped the list. What is
remarkable, however, is not that these items represent new issues, but, to the
contrary, that these are essentially the same issues that investors and
regulators have been dealing with, well, forever. Equally interesting,
the list amply demonstrates some of the biases that securities regulators have against
certain “alternative” investments.
Deregulation in agricultural sector is priority task for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine for 2016
of the agricultural industry should be continued in 2016. Deregulation is the
way to fight corruption in the agricultural sector,” Oleh Protsenko,
the reforms project manager of the National Council of Reforms in the
agriculture sector, says.
Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine received a clear message from
farmers that there was a need to continue the simplification of the business
environment and the development of clear “rules for the “game” in the agrarian
The trade part of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement becomes operational on 1 January 2016
Press reliase
On 1 January 2016, the European
Union (EU) and Ukraine will start applying the Deep and Comprehensive Free
Trade Area (DCFTA) which forms part of the Association Agreement signed in June
2014. The rest of the Association Agreement, containing political and cooperation
provisions, has already been in force since November 2014.
With the entry into
force of the DCFTA both sides will ensure that markets for goods and services
will be mutually opened on the basis of predictable and enforceable trade rules
so that new opportunities will be created for the EU and Ukraine businesses,
investors, consumers and citizens. By more closely aligning Ukraine’s
regulations with EU legislation, the DCFTA will promote higher quality
standards for products and will increase the levels of consumer and
environmental protection. Economic cooperation and exchanges will also be
enhanced, contributing to increased stability and prosperity for Ukraine.
Russia and Ukraine Finally Break Up
Russia and Ukraine have spent most of their post-Soviet history as
Siamese twins, but for the last two years they've been undergoing political and
economic separation surgery. It will probably be more or less complete in 2016,
and though both twins are in for a grim period, the weaker one,
Ukraine, has the better prospects in some ways.
Ever since Ukraine declared independence in August 1991, it sought to
establish an identity that would set it apart from Russia. Its second
president, Leonid Kuchma, even published a book called "Ukraine Is Not
Russia" in 2003. In practice, however, Ukraine kept following its bigger
neighbor even through its failed Westernization period of 2005 to 2010. It
inherited the same basis for its legal system and government -- the Soviet
bureaucracy -- and even attempted reforms often imitated Moscow's moves. When I
moved from Moscow to Kiev in 2011, I felt no discomfort: Everything, from
bureaucratic procedures to the pervasive corruption that made a mockery of
them, was largely the same in the two countries.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Investing in Ukraine’s Future
Just over a year ago, President Obama signed into law the Ukraine
Freedom Support Act, which provided congressional backing to sanctions on
Russia following the Kremlin’s illegal annexation of Crimea and invasion of
eastern Ukraine. Since then, sanctions have hurt Russia’s economy and prevented
individuals in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle from traveling to the
West. The Obama administration should be commended for sustaining a successful
sanctions regime.
But Washington must do more than just punish Russia. It must bolster
Ukrainians as they struggle to build a new, reform-minded government while
continuing to fight to maintain their country’s territorial integrity.
As winter sets in, the continuing war in Ukraine’s east has devolved
into an economic siege as Russia leverages gas supplies, coal shipments and
debt repayment to attempt to extract concessions from a Ukrainian government
that is still battling Russian proxies violating the Minsk II cease-fire. With
Ukraine’s economic output having shrunk by a quarter, the currency sharply
devalued and a population fearful of an uncertain future, Ukraine is teetering
on the brink.
Холодный мир. Кому выгоден срыв минских соглашений
В распахнутые двери роскошного зала Дворца
Независимости в Минске входит Пётр Порошенко. Внутри перед сотнями телекамер и
фотовспышек его приветствует белорусский президент Александр Лукашенко. В зале
раздаётся крик: "Господин Порошенко, зачем ваши войска бомбят мирных
Эту провокацию устроил корреспондент Всероссийской
государственной ТРК Павел Зарубин, и уже тогда стало понятно, что минские
переговоры, начавшиеся 11 февраля 2015, будут сложными, а выполнение
достигнутых договорённостей — ещё сложнее.
По итогам пятнадцатичасовой встречи
"нормандская четвёрка" не стала отвечать на вопросы журналистов —
лидеры Украины, Германии, Франции и России ограничились короткими
комментариями. "Ни на какой компромисс относительно федерализации мы не
пошли, — делился с прессой маленькой победой Пётр Порошенко. — Ни автономии, ни
федерализации в документе нет".
Понимание права: субъект в правоотношении
Владимир Мачуський
Субъектам права, как особенностям, необходимо присуще противоречие, а противоречие особенностей устраняется через общее. Общим для субъектов права является правопорядок через особенное - правоотношения.
Правоотношения как особенное для субъектов права, имея своим истоком конкретное
- интерес субъекта, стремится достичь общего - объективации интересов субъектов
права (участников правоотношения).
Интерес, сначала как субъективное, переходит в объективное - интересы,
которые являются объектом правоотношения. Сочетанием в объекте правоотношения
интереса, как составляющей субъективного права и интересов, которые являются
объектом правоотношения, достигается цель правоотношения - реализация интересов
субъектов права и правопорядок.
Розуміння права: суб'єкт в правовідношенні
Володимир Мачуський
Суб’єктам права, як особливостям, необхідно притаманне протиріччя, а протиріччя особливостей усувається через загальність. Загальністю для суб’єктів права є правопорядок через особливе - правовідношення.
Суб’єктам права, як особливостям, необхідно притаманне протиріччя, а протиріччя особливостей усувається через загальність. Загальністю для суб’єктів права є правопорядок через особливе - правовідношення.
Правовідношення як особливе для суб’єктів права, маючи своїм витоком окреме
– інтерес суб’єкта, прагне досягти загальності – об’єктивування інтересів суб’єктів права (учасників правовідношення).
Інтерес, спочатку як суб’єктивне, переходить в об’єктивне - інтереси, які є
об’єктом правовідношення. Поєднанням в об’єкті правовідношення інтересу, як
складової суб’єктивного права і інтересів, які є об’єктом правовідношення,
досягається мета правовідношення – реалізація інтересів суб’єктів права і
Arseniy Yatsenyuk: In contradiction to the fact that there hadn't been taken any correct decisions during the previous 22 years, we have been taking crucial decisions for the country for 22 months
crucial decisions for the country have been taken for 22 years. Someone had to
do it. I decided that I would do it. And then history will judge whether it was
right or not", said Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk during a
press conference on the outcomes of 2015 on Tuesday, December 29.
the question about possible resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers, Arseniy
Yatsenyuk stressed: "Is it a resignation for we are no longer dependent on
Russian gas? Or for we have restructured US $ 15 billion of debt? For
we have overfulfilled the budget by 40%? Or for the fact that we
have introduced sanctions against Russia? Or for we have increased funding
up to 113 billion for the Army? Or for we have carried out the reform of
the energy sector and provided subsidies for 5.2 million citizens of the
The National Labor Relations Board (USA)
The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency
vested with the power to safeguard employees' rights to organize and to
determine whether to have unions as their bargaining representative. The agency
also acts to prevent and remedy unfair labor practices committed by private
sector employers and unions.
Employees, union representatives and employers who believe that their
rights under the National Labor Relations Act have been violated may file
charges alleging unfair labor practices at their nearest NLRB regional
Happy New Year – And a moment to acknowledge you all!
Customary it is appears to have become to regurgitate “most read” or
“favourite” posts throughout 2015 as the year inevitably draws to a close –
this blog won’t.
Instead this last entry of 2015 will take the opportunity to wish a
Happy New Year each and every one of the 130,000 readers who either mistakenly
(in all probability), or deliberately (rather flatteringly) took their time –
or indeed wasted their time – rummaging around in the meandering ruminations
presented here, coping heroically with the grammatical errors and limited
vocabulary that provide proof, if needed, that little time or effort is given
to the daily offerings published.
Of the 130,000 readers that visited more than once, then it is humbling
– or perhaps a rather sad reflection that there is such a limited commentary
upon Ukraine (and Odessa) in the English language that you were forced to
return through lack of alternatives.
Understanding the Law: the Person
Volodymyr Machuskyy
Each stage of development of society is characterized by its own
understanding of the law. In this sense, "Chinese philosophers" of
Roscoe Pound, "everything real is rational" of Georg Hegel or
"Triangles" of Benedict Spinoza are not compatible with each other
due to different stages of development of society, and not because of
differences in thinking.
Ukraine: Leaders Focus on Elections, Cease-Fire in East
The leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France are discussing elections in eastern Ukraine and
want a lasting cease-fire that could bring the Ukraine conflict to an end in
French President Francois Hollande's office said in a statement that he
spoke Wednesday by telephone with Russia's Vladimir Putin, Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko, and Germany's Angela Merkel about Ukraine.
It says they are committed to a cease-fire and the coordinated
withdrawal of heavy weapons, and are paying special attention to preparations
for local elections in the Donbass region. The statement says they called for a
full implementation in 2016 of the Minsk peace agreement, signed in February.
President prolonged the Agreement between Ukraine and Malaysia on the investigation into the MH-17 tragedy
President Petro Poroshenko signed Law of
Ukraine on Ratification of the Agreement (in the form of the Exchange of Notes)
between Ukraine and Malaysia on Prolongation of the Agreement between Ukraine
and Malaysia on Sending the Malaysian Personnel to Ukraine in connection with
the MH-17 Tragedy of August 1, 2014.
The Agreement will be prolonged for one year.
If necessary, the validity of the Agreement may be further extended by mutual
The Law was adopted by the Parliament on
December 25, 2015 and comes into force on the date of publication.
Как Екатерина ІІ поддержала польских олигархов-сепаратистов
История Речи Посполитой поразительно
рифмуется с сегодняшней Украиной. В ней были и запоздалые государственные
реформы, и безвольная центральная власть, и агрессия соседей.
Закат некогда
крупнейшего государства Европы начался с предательства пророссийских
олигархов-магнатов из юго-восточных областей (то есть, польских собственников
украинских земель), желавших сохранить свои феодальные вольности в слабом
государстве, а в результате потерявших и вольности, и государство.
Termination of Labour Contract on the initiative of the owner of Authorized by Him/Her Body by Ukrainian Law
It has the basic and additional grounds for termination of Labour Contract on the initiative of the owner of Authorized by Him/Her Body:
The basic grounds:
The basic grounds:
Art. 40 of Labor Code of Ukraine - "Termination of Labour Contract
on the Initiative of Owner of Authorized by Him/Her Body":
Labour contract entered into for
indefinite period of time, as well as term labour contract prior to completion
of its validity period may be terminated by the owner or authorized by him/her
body only in the following cases:
Labour Contract by Labor Code of Ukraine
Art. 21 of Labor
Code – “Labour Contract”
contract is an agreement entered into between the employee and the owner of
enterprise, institution or organization or authorized by him/her body or
individual according to which the employee shall undertake to perform work
determined in this agreement subject to observance of internal regulations, and
the owner of enterprise, institution or organization or authorized by him/her
body or individual shall undertake to pay the employee salary and provide
working conditions required for performance of work as prescribed by labour
legislation, collective contract and agreement of the parties.
employee shall be entitled to realize his/her abilities as to efficient and
creative work by entering into labour contract at one or simultaneously at
several enterprises, institutions or organizations, unless otherwise prescribed
by legislation, collective contract or agreement of the parties.
Saakashvili visits Istanbul, agrees presentation of Odesa region's investment potential for Turkish businessmen
Head of Odesa Regional State Administration Mikheil Saakashvili has
visited Istanbul (Turkey) at the invitation of City Mayor Kadir Topbas and
during the visit discussed the possibility of disclosing the investment
potential of the Ukrainian region for Turkish businesses.
"I've visited Turkey at the invitation of the mayor of Istanbul.
Mayor Kadir Topbas showed the projects being prepared in the city. We also
discussed the improvement of the Istanbul Park adjacent to the Potemkin Stairs
of Odesa. The municipality of Istanbul will defray the expenses to turn the
Istanbul Park into a very beautiful and comfortable place," Saakashvili
wrote on his Facebook page.
According to him, the parties also agreed that to the opening of the
park "we will bring a large group of Turkish businessmen to discuss
investment projects of Odesa region, and at the end of January we will hold a
presentation of the investment opportunities of Odesa region in Istanbul."
PM declares judicial reform as national priority for 2016
position was and remains the following: we need to replace all 9,000 judges,
not just to redecorate [the judiciary]," stated Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk at
a press conference on the outcomes of 2015, on Tuesday, December 29.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk has
explained that redecoration of the judiciary looks like an imitation, when all
those who judged illegally stay in their offices and continue judging
The Prime
Minister called the judicial reform "a national priority for next
year": "You cannot fight corruption having the corrupt judicial
system, because this means political or contract trials, bribery and lack of
protection of rights and freedoms of citizens in this country. You cannot attract investors if there is no rule of
law, no court able to protect, when you cannot bring to justice any
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Понимание права: лицо (личность)
Владимир Мачуський
Каждому этапу развития общества присуще свое собственное понимание права и в этом смысле "китайские философы" Роско Паунда, "действительная разумность" Георга Гегеля или "треугольники" Бенедикта Спинозы не совместимы между собой не столько из-за разхождений в мышлении, а именно из-за расхождений различных этапов развития общества.
Розуміння права: особа
Володимир Мачуський
Праворозуміння зумовлюють щонайменше дві речі – перманентна
самоідентифікація суспільства і право саме по собі, як загальне. За допомогою
розуміння права суспільство постійно ідентифікує себе на кожному конкретному
етапі свого розвитку і перманентність такої ідентифікації утруднює створення
всеосяжної концепції права.
Кожному етапу розвитку суспільства притаманне своє
власне розуміння права і у такому сенсі “китайські філософи” Роско Паунда, “дійсна розумність” Георга Гегеля або “трикутники”
Бенедикта Спінози не сумісні між собою
не стільки внаслідок розбіжностей у мисленні, а саме внаслідок розбіжностей у
різних етапах розвитку суспільства і у часі.
Право само по собі, як загальне, намагається досягти безмежності і звідси
виникає потенційна можливість існування безмежної кількості концепцій права. Звідси намагання створити всеохоплюючу концепцію права з позиції сучасного праворозуміння заздалегідь приречені на невдачу.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk: Russia's aim was to prevent implementation of FTA between Ukraine and EU. But it takes effect in full on January 1
"Russia’s objective was to prevent Ukraine from joining the common
economic space of the European Union on January 1, 2016. It has nothing in
common with the economy. It is just geopolitics," emphasised Prime
Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk during a press conference
on Tuesday, December 29.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk stressed that the current year saw 16 rounds
of trilateral consultations at the level of the European Union - Ukraine -
Russian Federation as to technical modalities of implementation of the
agreement on a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU: "Both Ukraine
and the European Union will carry out the agreement on a free trade area, how
we will implement this agreement, and whether there are any risks for the
Russian Federation."
Open ended deadlines? – Minsk II
As all are well aware, 31st December 2015 was the deadline set within
the Minsk II Agreement for its complete implementation.
As all are well aware, that deadline will pass without even a ceasefire
worthy of the definition having come into effect, let alone the return of
control of the Ukrainian border to the Ukrainians – or any of the other bullet
points agreed that fall between ceasefire and restoration of territorial integrity.
Of course nobody actually expected that Minsk II would be fully
implemented by 31st December 2015 as the agreement states, because in the
absence of anything else, Minsk II is all there is – and therefore bumping
and/or ignoring the deadline was obviously going to happen unless there was a
severe “or else” as a consequence of failing to meet the 31st December deadline
– and there wasn’t and isn’t an “or else” of any significants.
5 Tips for Planning for Divorce in Texas in the New Year
By Michael Wysocki
We all have family members or friends who have been through divorce.
Although societal stigmas may still exist to some extent, divorce is far less
scandalous these days, and often viewed as something that just happens to some
couples. If you are divorcing, this is a healthy perspective for you to
take and remember as you navigate the process and move forward.
Clients often say “Divorce is an emotional
rollercoaster”, which is an incredibly accurate description. You pay a fee,
stand in line, take your seat, strap in, lose control, get tossed about, and
eventually come to the end. Here in Texas, however, we understand the
difference between riding the Judge Roy versus the Texas Giant (a patron
recently died riding the Texas Giant). While you may not avoid the ride,
preparation can help dictate whether you are strapped in the Judge Roy or the
Texas Giant. Remember, in divorce, preparation isn’t just power, it’s
EC allows exports of ten Ukrainian dairy producers to EU
The European Commission has
granted ten Ukrainian dairy producers access to the EU market effective from
January 10, 2016, Ukraine's Deputy Agrarian Policy Minister Vladyslava
Rutytska reported on Facebook.
"The European Commission
published its decision to include our companies specializing in milk production
and dairy products processing in the official list of approved EU exporters.
The resolution comes into force on January 10, 2016," Rutytska wrote.
The list of companies authorized
to export dairy products to the EU includes enterprises of Milk Alliance Group
(Yagotynsky Butter Plant and Zolotonisky Butter-Processing Integrated Works),
Lactalis (Lactalis-Mykolaiv and LLC Molochniy Dim), Milkiland (Nedryhailivskyi
Cheese Plant and Romny Dairy Combine Subsidiary of Ros Private Enterprise,
Menskiy Cheese Subsidiary of Prometei Private Enterprise), Loostdorf Company,
Lviv Cold Storage Facility and Gadyachsyr.
Preliminary list of banned Russian products published
The list of more than 30 products to be banned from entering the
Ukrainian market was published on Tuesday on the website of the Ministry of
Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.
In the framework of retaliatory measures to the expected introduction by
the Russian Federation of a trade embargo against Ukraine, the Economy Ministry
proposes to ban the imports of meat, fish, cereals, grains, bakery products,
vodka, beer, cigarettes, confectionery, forage, some chemicals and railway
equipment from Russian production to Ukraine starting January 10, 2016,
according to the release published on the Ministry’s website.
Are You Sure that Public Wi-Fi Connection You’re Using Is Secure?
It’s that time of year. Rushing through the airport or train station.
Visiting family and friends. Slipping away from said family and
friends to catch up on work at the local coffee shop via Wi-Fi.
But here’s the $64,000 question: Are you sure that
Wi-Fi connection is secure?
We’ve written about the dangers of public Wi-Fi before. And since I expect that many of us are using public Wi-Fi during our
holiday travels, I thought that a quick reminder about the “rules” would be
If you are exchanging anything sensitive, use a VPN. A virtual privacy network or VPN will provide a secure link from your wireless device to the server of
the Wi-Fi network you are using. Without a VPN, that last link from the server
to your wireless device is the least protected and most hackable.
Five Tips for Retaining Employees in a Competitive Business Climate
Attracting and retaining employees is always a
challenge. After you provide an employee with a good job, training and
development, customer contacts, and access to trade secret and other
confidential information, it is discouraging, to say the least, when the
employee then uses all of that to help another business compete against you.
Regardless of your industry, it is critical to implement certain strategies to
help reduce turnover, protect intellectual property, and improve your company’s
economic performance. While you may not always be able to prevent an employee
from working for a competitor, you can take certain proactive measures to
encourage loyalty and retention, and to minimize the risks of unfair
competition. These same tips can also help minimize the potential need for
aggressive litigation through trade secret and other unfair competition claims.
Consider some or all of these options:
Підготовлено пропозиції заходів у відповідь на неправомірні дії Росії в торговельній сфері
Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України за участі центральних органів виконавчої влади підготувало пропозиції щодо дій України у відповідь на порушення Російською Федерацією норм міжнародного права щодо заборони ввезення товарів походженням з України та призупинення дії Договору про ЗВТ СНД. Пропонується запровадження ставок ввізного мита режиму найбільшого сприяння щодо імпорту товарів походженням з РФ, а також сформовано окремий перелік товарів, ввезення яких пропонується заборонити (перелік додається).
Так, 16 грудня 2015 року Президентом Російської Федерації було підписано Указ (№ 628) «Про призупинення Російською Федерацією дії Договору про зону вільної торгівлі по відношенню до України» (
Розуміння права: традиція, виклики, перспективи
Володимир Мачуський
Традиційне доктринальне праворозуміння обмежену існуючим категоріальним апаратом і проблемами гносеологічного характеру.
В англо-американській правовій сім'ї має місце непереборний антагонізм між юридичним позитивізмом і природним правом по лінії Herbert Xart - Ronald Dworkin.
В правовій сім'ї континентальному права (Сivil Law or Roman Law) має місце тенденція нескінченного пошуку критеріїв оптимального поділу права на галузі права, виявлення домінуючих галузей права, створення комплексних галузей права як рятівних штучних правових фікцій.
Understanding the Law: the movement of the Law
Volodymyr Machuskyy
Intellectual vanity denies the possibility
of understanding the reality. It proclaims the limitations of scientific
knowledge and creates scientific delusion - рhanomen of law that
is doomed to inaccessibility and an otherworldly existence.
Same starry sky to the untrained observer
appears to be frozen, and the stars themselves immobile, but this observer can
not stop the movement of the stars as well
as phanomen of law can not stop the movement of the Law as nomen - rolling forever, real and reasonably valid.
As water can be snow, ice and steam so and the Law can be in three states: a general, a particular and a single. The Law as the general is the Law itself and answers the question "what" (the cause). The law as a particular is action of law – a legal regulation and answer the
question “how” (the action). The law as a single is object-matter of law – a law
order and answer the question “why” (the purpose).
President: Efficient struggle against corruption is the main task for the Security Service of Ukraine
President Petro Poroshenko called corruption the main internal enemy of
Ukraine. At the concluding meeting of the Security Service of Ukraine, the
President called the struggle against corruption the main task for the Security
Service in 2016. He urged to ensure further complex implementation of the
anti-corruption policy in the judicial power and law enforcement bodies.
The Head of State
noted that the Security Service efficiently combatted corruption in close
cooperation with newly established National Anti-Corruption Bureau and
Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecution.
“I expect greater
efficiency of cooperation for every Ukrainian to notice progress in the fight
against corruption in Ukraine,” Petro Poroshenko said.
Yatsenyuk names priorities of Ukraine for next year
NATO membership, restoration of territorial integrity, and prosperity of
the Ukrainian population are the priorities of Ukraine for the next year.
Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk said this at the press
conference on the results of the year, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"The national goal of the state is the restoration of the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. This means return of Donbas
and Crimea. Ukraine should become the member of NATO and this is the main
objective of the reform of the defense and security sector of the country.
Another goal is to increase the income of citizens and to create jobs in the
country," Yatsenyuk said.
Ukraine's economy set to grow
K.Obukhovska, D.Sydorenko (UNIAN)
The Ukrainian economy may return to the path of growth in the coming year
after a two-year fall, the Ukrainian analysts believe. UNIAN offers to take a
glimpse at the macroeconomic consensus forecast for 2016.
to the forecasts of top Ukrainian analysts interviewed by UNIAN, the country's
economy could come back to the trajectory of growth in the coming year after a
12% fall in 2015 and a 6.8% drop in 2014. Thus, the GDP growth in 2016 will
average 1%, while the industrial production will grow by 3% and inflation may
slow down to 19%. Experts predict a rise in foreign reserves to $18 billion
from the current $13 billion. At the same time the average annual rate should
not fall below UAH 27 to the dollar, according to the experts.
Понимание права: движение права
Владимир Мачуський
Интеллектуальное тщеславие отрицает возможность постижения действительности, провозглашает ограниченность знания и создает научное заблуждение - рhanomen права, который обречен на недосягаемость и потустороннее существование.
Так же звездное небо для неискушенного наблюдателя кажется застывшим, а сами звезды неподвижными, но наблюдатель не может остановить движение звезд, так и рhanomen права не может остановить движения права как nomen - вечно подвижного, реального и разумно действительного.
Розуміня права: рух права
Володимир Мачуський
Інтелектуальне марнославство заперечує можливість осягнення дійсності, проголошує
обмеженість знання і створює наукову оману - рhanomen права, який приречений на
недосяжність і потойбічне існування.
Так само зоряне небо для недосвідченого
спостерігача видається застиглим, а самі зірки нерухомими, але спостерігач не
може зупинити рух зірок, так і рhanomen права не може зупинити руху права як nomen – вічно рухливого, реального і розумно дійсного.
Рух права зумовлює можливість перебування права в трьох станах: загальності,
особливості і окремості. Право як загальність або ідея це взагалі право і
відповідає на питання “що” (причина). Право як особливість це дія права – правове
регулювання і юридична визначеність і відповідає на питання “як” (дія). Право як окремість це мета права – правопорядок і відповідає на питання
“навіщо” (мета).
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