Monday, February 1, 2016

Six Ukrainian companies supply dairy products to China - Agriculture Ministry

Ukrainian enterprises in late 2015 began to export milk and dairy products to China, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food has said.

According to its data, supplies are carried out by Starokostiantynivka Dairy Plant, PJSC Bashtanka cheese plant, PJSC Lityn dairy factory, Taraschamoloko LLC, Terra Food LLC, Agroprodexport LLC.

According to the ministry, in December 2015 four Ukrainian enterprises obtained veterinary certificates to export milk and dairy products to China, in January 2016 two more companies. The product line, aimed for exports, includes milk powder, buttermilk and cheese.

As reported, China in September 2015 provided 18 Ukrainian dairy enterprises with access to its market (they are owned by Milkiland, Milk Alliance, Terra Food, Cheese Club, Dubnomoloko).

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