Monday, April 4, 2016


Photo by IT Connection

9.00 Welcome coffee, registration
9.30 Opening remarks by Andreas von Beckerath, Ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine, andDaniel Larsson, Country Manager, Business Sweden in Kyiv

Introductory speech by Oscar Stenström, Swedish State Secretary for Economic Development and Innovations, and Dmytro Shymkiv, Deputy Head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine, followed by Q&A session.
10.15 Sweden – leading IT innovative nation
Keynote speech by Lisa Lindström, CEO of Doberman
ModeratorAnastasiya MarkutsA, Academic Director at Lviv Business School of UCU
Lisa Lindström, CEO of DobermanMario Agati, Head of ICT Practice in RECA region, Ericsson Carl Vikingsson, CEO at Sigma Technology Mathias Eklöf, Founder of Yell
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 Ukraine’s IT-sector: Hot Air or potential Silicon Valley?
Keynote speech by Yevgen Sysoyev, AVentures
Talks with Ukrainian startups moderated by Lyuba Shipovich, Razom:
Moggie, UA Roads, Tap4Parking, Mevics, Energy Layer, SOC Prime, Hideez, AttendeeMe, Finova, Leantegra, Go and Change, uDonors
12.45 Success stories of Swedish-Ukrainian cooperation and the future potential
Keynote speech by Sïmon Saneback, Wellstreet
Moderator: Natalie Gryvnyak, Founder of Story Production Agency, InFeatures
Andreas Flodström, CEO of Beetroot Igor Srebrodolskiy, ICT Business development manager CU Ukraine & Eurasia, Ericsson Valery Krasovsky, CEO of Sigma Software Alexey Orap, CEO of YouScan Vitaliy Yakovyna, Head of Software Department, Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityVladimir Liulka, CEO of BrainBasket Foundation

13.45 Buffet networking lunch
15.00 Connecting Sweden and Ukraine: individual business meetings and know-how exchange organized by Business Sweden
Start-up alley: exhibition of Swedish and Ukrainian innovative IT-companies (simultaneously with B2B meetings).
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