Friday, October 9, 2015

Poroshenko and Nazarbayev sign Ukraine-Kazakhstan Action Plan for 2015-2017

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev have signed the Ukraine-Kazakhstan Action Plan for 2015-2017, which outlines the key vectors of cooperation between the countries in the near-term perspective.

The document was signed following the talks held during the official visit of the Ukrainian President to Kazakhstan.

In the course of the negotiations the two Presidents discussed in detail the key issues of Ukrainian-Kazakh relations and exchanged views on topical issues of regional and international agenda, the report notes.

The Presidents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan expressed willingness to further deepen Ukrainian-Kazakh relations in political, trade-economic, scientific-technical, cultural, humanitarian and other areas on the basis of friendship and mutual respect.

The Heads of State reaffirmed commitment of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine to the fundamental principles of international law, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of states enshrined in the fundamental documents of the UN and OSCE, according to the report.

In this regard, the Heads of State pointed out a common position on the need to fully implement the Minsk agreements of 2014-2015 and welcomed the results of the meeting in the Normandy format on October 2 in Paris.

The two leaders also stressed the need to enhance cooperation on ensuring peace and security in the framework of global and regional organizations, as well as further consolidate international efforts aimed to combat international terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking.

The Presidents stressed that a significant intensification of trade and economic cooperation was one of the key objectives of bilateral relations. It was confirmed that the top-priorities for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation were such sectors as: fuel and energy, agriculture, energy, transport, mining, agricultural engineering, creation of infrastructure facilities, aviation, space etc.

In this context, the parties praised the results of the 12th session of the joint Ukrainian-Kazakh Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation held on July 16, 2015 in Kyiv.

It was determined that the main focus of bilateral cooperation will be the organization of joint enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the production of oil and gas equipment, railway products, municipal, road construction and lifting equipment, mining equipment. The Ukrainian side will provide technological assistance in the construction of feed mills, elevator and grain cleaning systems, dairy farms in Kazakhstan, according to the report.

The Presidents welcomed the holding of the Ukrainian-Kazakh business forum in the framework of the visit and noted the importance of establishing cooperation ties between enterprises and companies of both countries, inter alia, through the expansion of interregional cooperation, as well as interaction in multilateral formats.
In addition, the leaders of the two countries stressed the importance and relevance of the theme of the International Expo 2017 - "Energy Future", which should contribute to the mutual enrichment in the areas of energy technologies and energy efficiency.

The President of Kazakhstan supported the initiative of Ukraine to join the dialogue forum "Asia - Europe" (ASEM). It was stated that the implementation of the given step will provide a new impetus to cooperation between Europe and Asia, contribute to the sustainable development of all forum participants and maintain stability in the world.

The press service reported that the President of Ukraine invited the President of Kazakhstan to visit Ukraine at his convenience. The invitation was accepted with gratitude.

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