Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Orban in Kyiv: Hungarian Pride or Prejudice

 Viktor Orban's visit to Kyiv comes at a critical juncture as Hungary prepares to take on the six-month presidency of the European Union. This visit is marked by discussions of a potential bilateral agreement between Hungary and Ukraine, an idea that, in itself, represents a significant challenge to Vladimir Putin. Yet, Orban’s political maneuvers reflect a complex interplay of loyalties and strategic interests.

Orban continues to support Russian foreign policy, effectively acting as a Trojan horse within the European Union. This dual allegiance raises questions about his deep-rooted ties to the Kremlin's crime-oligarchic network and the possibility that Putin possesses compromising information, compelling Orban to align with Russian interests. This duality raises questions about his longstanding integration into the Kremlin’s criminal-oligarchic network and the potential compromising material that Putin may hold over him, compelling Orban to act in accordance with Russian interests.