
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hungary's Prime Minister: Practicing Neighborly Love, Orban-Style


Viktor Orban, this Putin dove of peace, has reveled in his own impunity for far too long. The paradox is that as Prime Minister of Hungary—a NATO member and a member of the European Union—Orban has worked tirelessly in Putin’s interests around the world. This kind of shuttle policy, reminiscent of Jimmy Carter's minimum-wage diplomacy, serves only Russia's ambitions.

Orban has been particularly active in undermining Ukraine. Here’s a brief overview of his “good neighborly” activities towards Ukraine:
1. Blocking Euro-Atlantic Integration:
Hungary has repeatedly blocked meetings of the Ukraine-NATO Commission at the ministerial level, complicating Ukraine’s integration into the alliance.
2. Criticism of Sanctions:
Orban has criticized and called for the easing of EU sanctions imposed on Russia due to its aggression in Ukraine, thereby weakening European solidarity in supporting Ukraine.
3. Opposition to Ukraine’s Education Law:
Hungary sharply criticized Ukraine's 2017 Education Law, claiming it violated the rights of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia. This led to diplomatic conflicts and the blocking of important negotiations.
4. Promoting Russian Narratives:
Orban often echoes Russian propaganda, particularly regarding the conflict in Donbas and the annexation of Crimea, which damages Ukraine’s international reputation.
5. Cooperation with Russia:
Under Orban’s leadership, Hungary has actively developed economic and political cooperation with Russia, including energy projects, which contradicts the EU’s stance on isolating Russia.
6. Limiting Support for Ukraine on International Forums:
Orban has periodically questioned the need for active support for Ukraine on international platforms, including the UN and OSCE, making it difficult for Ukraine to receive necessary assistance and encouragement.
7. Political Influence on the Hungarian Minority in Ukraine:
Orban’s government has actively engaged with the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia, using it as a tool to pressure the Ukrainian government to achieve its political goals.
These actions significantly hinder Ukraine’s process of integration into European structures and its fight against Russian aggression.
Simultaneously, Orban has received funding from the European Union and cheap energy from Russia, aiming to build an anti-European axis within the EU, alongside Slovakia.
Fortunately, the Ukrainian boomerang of political karma has struck back at Viktor Orban. Ukraine imposed sanctions against the Russian company Lukoil, thereby blocking oil supplies to Hungary and Slovakia through the old Soviet Druzhba oil pipeline, which runs through Ukrainian territory.
This is a fitting response from Ukraine, demonstrating its prowess in realpolitik.
Glory to Ukraine!

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