Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump's Assassination Attempt: A Dangerous Turn or Cui Prodest?

The recent assassination attempt on presidential candidate Donald Trump is abhorrent, regardless of one’s political stance on his views. 

This event signifies a dangerous escalation in the radicalization of public life in the United States. It appears to be an attempt to divide the nation into two opposing camps, thereby weakening it.

The failed attempt leaves room for various theories, ranging from primitive conspiracy ideas to accusations that Trump himself staged the attempt.

Conspiracy Theories and Political Assassinations

The notion of conspiracy theories isn't new and fits well within a pattern of political assassination attempts this year. 

For instance, on May 15, 2024, an assassination attempt was made on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico after a government meeting in Gandlova. Fico was hospitalized with several gunshot wounds, and the attacker, Juraj Tsintula, was detained on the spot.

On June 24, 2024, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's motorcade was involved in an accident during a visit to Germany, resulting in the death of a 61-year-old German police officer.

These events beg the question: who might be next? Could it be Putin?

Who Benefits from the Attempt?

This attempt significantly increases Donald Trump's chances of winning the presidential campaign. However, the idea that Trump could orchestrate such an attempt himself seems far-fetched.

Trump's courageous and unpretentious behavior during the assassination attempt, including his silent, furious words addressed to the camera, rather suggests a genuine attempted murder.

Will the current US President benefit? Yes, but only if the attempt was successful. Otherwise, there will be huge political damage and a huge risk of exposure. The answer is negative.

Could external forces like the Kremlin or China be interested in Trump’s demise? Hypothetically, YES. Geopolitics is far more dirtier than ordinary politics. Practically, NO, as the consequences of failure would be too severe.

What remains is a likely scenario of an attempted murder by a mentally unstable individual. Whether he acted alone or was influenced by others remains for the FBI to determine.

Impact on International Relations

In Ukraine and Russia, many believe the US presidential campaign outcome could decisively impact the Russian-Ukrainian war. It’s traditionally believed that Trump might make concessions to Putin, forcing Ukraine to cede part of its territory in exchange for peace. This seems probable until Trump encounters Putin personally. Like Merkel, Macron, Orbán, and Modi before him, Trump may realize the true nature of Putin. Thus, a Trump presidency might not be as hopeless for Ukraine as some fear.

Historical Parallels

Ukrainians are no strangers to assassination attempts on political figures. The poisoning of Viktor Yushchenko during the 2004 presidential elections remains one of the unresolved crimes in modern Ukrainian history. This historical context adds another layer of complexity to the current situation.

Glory to Ukraine!

P.S. The political landscape is fraught with danger, and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump highlights the perilous times we live in. It is a stark reminder of the fragility of democracy and the importance of safeguarding it against such violent disruptions.

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