Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ukraine-China Negotiations: The Beginning of Russia's Political Outsidership

 If someone had told me, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that Russian state media would be enthusiastically commenting on the negotiations between Ukraine and the People's Republic of China, I would naturally not have believed it. Yet, here we are.

In their enthusiasm, the Russian media did not notice how they drew the attention of Russians to the simple fact that negotiations were taking place about Russia without Russia. This was unimaginable before February 2024. Congratulations to Russia for joining the club of political outsiders.
On July 24, in Guangzhou, China, Ukraine's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi. The main topic of discussion was the search for ways to stop Russian aggression and China's possible role in achieving a lasting and just peace.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry emphasized at least two things: first, that China supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine; and second, that China agrees peace in Ukraine should be long-term and reliable. Additionally, China expressed interest in developing trade relations with Ukraine as a future member of the European Union.
How did the visit of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister (the first in 12 years) to China become possible? Some analysts claim that part of the reason is Putin's excessive activity with North Korea, which China traditionally considers its fiefdom. Regardless, these negotiations are a signal of great importance. Will competent people be able to accept this signal? For example, the favorite and hope of all of Ukraine, J.D. Vance.
Are unexpected visits and negotiations possible in the near future? Absolutely YES. For instance, imagine Donald Trump visiting Kyiv, Ukraine.
Glory to Ukraine!

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