Saturday, December 2, 2017

California's Codes vs Ukraine's Codes = 29:22 (Can you find the same codes?)

California's Codes
Ukraine's Codes
1. Business and Professions Code
1. Administrative Procedure Code

2. Civil Code 
2. Air Code

3. Code of Civil Procedure
3. Budget Code

4. Commercial Code
4. Civil Code 

5. Corporations Code
5. Civil Procedure Code

6. Education Code
6. Code of Civil Protection

7. Elections Code 
7. Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses

8. Evidence Code
8. Criminal Code

9. Family Code
9. Criminal Executive Code
10. Financial Code
10. Criminal Procedure Code

11. Fish and Game Code
11. Customs Code

12. Food and Agricultural Code
12. Economic Code

13. Government Code
13. Economic Procedure Code

14. Harbors and Navigation Code
14. Family Code

15. Health and Safety Code
15. Housing Code

16. Insurance Code
16. Forest Code

17. Labor Code
17. Labor Code

18. Military and Veterans Code
18. Land Code

19. Penal Code
19. Merchant Shipping Code

20. Probate Code
20. Subsoil Code

21. Public Contract Code
21.Tax Code

22. Public Resources Code
22. Water code

23. Public Utilities Code

24. Revenue and Taxation Code

25. Streets and Highways Code

26. Unemployment Insurance Code

27. Vehicle Code

28. Water Code

29. Welfare and Institutions Code

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