Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ukraine’s Macroeconomic indicators

Nominal GDP of Ukraine for QI, 2015 amounted 367 577 million UAH.
Real GDP for QI, 2015 as compared to QI, 2014 (at the constant prices of 2010) comprised 82,8%, when compared to Q IV of 2014 and seasonally adjusted it comprised 94,7%.

In January-May 2015, indices of industrial products was 78,8% as compared with the relevant period of 2014.

Indices of agricultural production volume in January-May 2015 compared with to corresponding period of 2014 was 94,6%.

In January - March 2014, on account of all sources of funding 44741,7 mln. UAH of capital investment were mastered.

In January-March 2015, 1620,4 thsd. sq. metres of the total space of dwellings were put into service
Indices construction output, in January-May 2015 year as compared with January-May 2014 year was 68,8%.

In January-May 2015, transport enterprises shipped 231,3 mln. tons of cargo that reaches 77,8% of the volume of shipment as compared with the relevant period of 2014.

In January-May 2015, the services of passenger transport were rendered to 2,2 bln. passengers that composes 88,7% of the volume as compared with the relevant period of 2014.

In January-April 2015, in Ukraine exports of foreign trade in goods made up 12495,9 mln. $ Dollars while imports totalled 11898,4 mln. $ Dollars.

In May 2015, industrial producer price index was 99,6%, from the beginning the year - 122,7%.

In May 2015, consumer price index was 102,2%, from the beginning the year - 140,1%.

Nominal income of the population for the I quarter of 2015 amounted 357,1 bln. UAH. Taking into account the price factor the real disposable income of the population decreased by 23,5% compared with the relevant period of 2014.

The real wage index in May 2015 was 99,0% as compared with April 2015.

The sum of wages due to be paid off was 1811,3 mln. UAH as
1 of June 2015.

Unemployment rate of working age population (by ILO methodology) on average for QI, 2015 was 10,0% of economically active population in relevant age.

Registered unemployment rate calculated as ratio to the working age population was 1,8% at the end of May 2015.

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