Saturday, September 14, 2024

Storm and Shadow Over Putin's Head

A feeling of dark irony arose from Putin’s brief, almost theatrical interview regarding the strikes of Western long-range missiles on Russian territory. The setting itself was symbolic: a literal gateway, an archway in a building complex where he sought shelter from possible airstrikes. Where is the once mighty ruler of Earth, the one Putin imagined himself to be in February 2022? Now, what stands before us is a small, frightened man, eyes filled with dread, awaiting the terrible fate that seems to inch closer by the day.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Franchising in Post-War Ukraine: A Golden Opportunity for Early Movers

As Ukraine embarks on what will be one of the largest post-war reconstruction efforts in modern history, the economic landscape is primed for transformative growth. The country’s candidacy for European Union membership adds another layer of opportunity, particularly for businesses considering entering the market through franchising. For companies looking to expand into Ukraine, franchising presents a unique, lower-risk alternative to traditional investment, with enormous potential for growth in the post-war era.

Franchising: A Strategic Advantage Over Traditional Investment

Monday, September 9, 2024

BRICS or Putin's Upcoming Triumph in Kazan: A Geopolitical Chess Move?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with the rapid expansion of BRICS. After all, who wouldn’t welcome the idea of laying new “bricks” to build a better global economy? BRICS nations collectively represent 33.9% of the Earth’s territory, 45.2% of its population, and 36.7% of global GDP. These numbers speak for themselves. The combination of the world’s largest energy producers and its biggest consumers among developing countries could lead to monumental economic shifts. In turn, this could reshape the entire geopolitical landscape.

Let’s start with the current members of BRICS:

Sunday, September 8, 2024

"Там нет наших! Даже пророссийские украинцы - иуды!" Соловьев озвучил н...

Battle of Kursk II: The Inevitable Path of Russian Decolonization: A Moral and Global Imperative


The indignation of the Russian opposition over the mere suggestion of decolonizing Russia ironically mirrors Putin's own declarations about the need for a new European security architecture.

While Putin clamors for a redrawn geopolitical map, reminiscent of Soviet-era dominance, the opposition clings to its imperialist roots. The Russian opposition cannot even entertain the thought of dismantling their empire, preferring instead to preserve the Russian state as a “prison of nations.” And, of course, there is the ever-present nuclear threat, which they regard as the ultimate bargaining chip in Russia’s foreign policy.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ставки повышаются. Выборы. Умное голосование. Умственная непроходимость....

Сыновей мы еще нарожаем.. а вот Тойота - ТОЙОТА ИЗ РОССИИ УШЛА

Battle of Kursk II: The Autumn of Our Discontent


Today marks a month since Ukrainian troops have set foot on Russian soil. If this was part of Putin's grand design, then congratulations are in order – it has succeeded brilliantly.

But in truth, Putin is doing everything in his power to downplay the Ukrainian incursion. In contrast, he flaunts Russian successes in the Donbas, framing it as the primary front of Russian military focus. Yet this narrative doesn't sit well with the residents and elites of Russia's Kursk region. Why, they ask, has their "liberation" been indefinitely postponed?