Monday, September 9, 2024

BRICS or Putin's Upcoming Triumph in Kazan: A Geopolitical Chess Move?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with the rapid expansion of BRICS. After all, who wouldn’t welcome the idea of laying new “bricks” to build a better global economy? BRICS nations collectively represent 33.9% of the Earth’s territory, 45.2% of its population, and 36.7% of global GDP. These numbers speak for themselves. The combination of the world’s largest energy producers and its biggest consumers among developing countries could lead to monumental economic shifts. In turn, this could reshape the entire geopolitical landscape.

Let’s start with the current members of BRICS:
South Africa
And now, with the most recent additions:
But here’s where things get murky. While the expansion of BRICS may seem like a step forward for global collaboration, there’s a disturbing undercurrent. The driving force behind this acceleration? Vladimir Putin. For instance, take Azerbaijan’s request to join BRICS, conveniently submitted the day after Putin’s visit to Baku on August 20, 2024. One can’t help but notice the elephant in the room: Armenia. Putin’s apparent willingness to sacrifice Armenia has secured a stronger alliance with Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Moreover, the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan on October 22-24, 2024, is set to be Putin’s grand stage. The capital of Tatarstan, a historically distinct region within Russia, will play host to this spectacle. The optics are clear: Putin, already emboldened by his recent strategic moves, will likely cement his role as the key architect of what is increasingly looking like an anti-G7 bloc. India and China, for now, are content to let Putin bask in the spotlight, as long as it aligns with their pragmatic approach to balancing relations with both Russia and the West.
Now, take a look at the countries lining up to join BRICS:
DR Congo
And many more.
The list is long and growing, and one can’t shake the eerie feeling that Leon Trotsky’s dream of a worldwide revolution is materializing, albeit peacefully this time.
For the G7, there’s an undeniable reckoning happening. Putin, despite being embroiled in a war that has devastated Ukraine and raised global tensions to their highest in decades, is far from isolated. In fact, he’s positioning himself as a geopolitical mastermind, flipping the narrative of Russia’s supposed isolation on its head.
In light of this, there’s one glaring question: where is the G7 in all of this? Surely, within the walls of its member states, there are high-paid analysts keeping track of this geopolitical chessboard. And yet, as BRICS continues its avalanche-like expansion, it’s unclear whether the balance of power is truly being maintained.
What are the long-term consequences of BRICS becoming a rival to the G7? Is the West prepared to deal with the shifting tectonics of global power? The days of complacency are over. It’s time to ask tough questions, and more importantly, it’s time for real answers.
Glory to Ukraine!

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