Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: Put a Good Face to the Bad Times


Putin launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine under the far-fetched pretext of strengthening Russia's security. His intention was clear: the destruction of Ukraine as a state and Ukrainians as a nation. But now, in the third year of this brutal conflict, it's evident that his grand ambitions have not only faltered—they've backfired.
Having failed to achieve his original goals, Putin shifted his strategy, hoping to carve out a so-called security zone by seizing vast regions of Ukraine. It’s worth noting just how enormous this territory is—Ukraine, after all, is the largest country in Europe by land area. And no, France doesn't count; its size is boosted by its overseas territories.
But this plan has also unraveled. Step by step, with enormous losses, Putin’s troops captured some Ukrainian territory, but it was a Pyrrhic victory at best. He pinned his hopes on a Trump victory in the upcoming U.S. elections, hoping to solidify his gains with a favorable treaty. Yet, those hopes were dashed when the Ukrainian armed forces turned the tables with a stunning invasion of Russian territory, flipping the chessboard on the entire theater of operations.
Now, in the third year of the war, the reality for Putin is grim. Ukrainian troops control 1,000 square kilometers and 88 settlements in Russia’s Kursk region. The Russian authorities have admitted that 180,000 citizens are being evacuated from this area alone, though the process is chaotic at best.
The regime of counter-terrorist operations has been imposed in the Belgorod, Bryansk, and Kursk regions, closing off access to entire areas. In Belgorod, 70% of residents have been forced from their homes, with many simply vanishing without a trace.
It’s become glaringly obvious that the once-feared border between Russia and Ukraine is little more than a paper barrier. Almost 1,000 Russian soldiers have already surrendered, and reinforcements sent to Kursk are being decimated before they even reach the front lines.
Putin’s incompetence as a military leader is now undeniable. His background in the special services blinds him to the realities of full-scale warfare. Yet, despite the disastrous situation, he continues to put on a brave face, insisting to the world and his inner circle that his troops are still making headway in Ukraine. It’s a delusion reminiscent of Hitler’s last days, when the Führer commanded from his bunker, oblivious to the collapse around him, until the moment he took his own life.
It wouldn’t be surprising if whispers are already circulating among Putin’s closest allies, urging him to step down in exchange for promises of personal safety for himself and his family. But Putin knows the Russians too well to trust such promises. He understands that his downfall, if it comes, will be swift and unforgiving.
Glory to Ukraine!

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