
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Getting Serious About Europe's Fiscal Future

India Supreme Court Ruling on Right to Privacy Closely Watched by US Businesses

Hurricane Harvey

Minimum Wages Across Canada In 2017

5 Things to Watch Out for at the Chinese Communist Party Congress

Recently, the CCP announced its next congress will meet in mid-October

New and improved car emissions tests become mandatory on 1 September

European Commission - Press release
Brussels, 31 August 2017

Russia's bridge link with Crimea moves nearer to completion

Секретная дача Путина

Poroshenko enacts NSDC's July 10 resolution on cyber security

Volodymyr Groysman: Ukraine counts to see the revitalization of investment cooperation with the U.S. in the energy, transport and small and medium-sized businesses

Ukraine praises strategic partnership with the United States and intends to boost investment cooperationwith the United States of America in the energysmall and medium businesses and transport sectorsThis wasannounced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during a meeting with the President of the OverseasPrivate Investment Corporation (OPIC) Ray Washburne. CEO of OPIC joined the agency in August 2017 and hevisits Ukraine for the first time.

Ukrainian President sent a letter in support of the American people due to the hurricane raging in Texas

President Petro Poroshenko sent a letter of solidarity and support to the United States President Donald Trump due to Hurricane Harvey playing out in Texas.
“It is moving to see how ordinary Americans help one another, often risking their own lives. Such heroism and unity, despite the extreme conditions, once again convince us of the indomitable spirit and will of the American people in the face of any challenges, whether it is devastating natural disasters or international problems,” the Head of State noted.

Gazprom braucht Westeuropa wie noch nie

Show Me the Money: Financing Options for Startups

Can the law force you to evacuate in a disaster?

Report: Academic Dismissed From Think Tank After Criticizing Megadonor Google

Ukraine: The Enemy From Within

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Devil in the Detail: Why Brexit Talks Are Making Little Progress

Reuters: Gazprom says sanctions won’t stop Nord Stream 2 pipeline project

Freedom of speech verses propaganda – Ukrainian PNG policy

France's Macron says he has 'major differences' with Putin on Ukraine


Self-determination as Ideology: The Cold War, the End of Empire, and the Making of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (14 December 1960)


Self-determination as Ideology: The Cold War, the End of Empire, and the Making of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (14 December 1960)

President met with U.S. Congress delegation

Why Legal Startup Ironclad Raised $8M From Accel: Conversation With Jason Boehmig

Put to rest the idea that Silicon Valley doesn't invest in disruptive legal startups.

Firtasch wird nicht an Spanien ausgeliefert

Das Wiener Landesgericht weist Begehren der spanischen Justiz ab.


What is Trump doing in Ukraine?

Trump has his own Ukraine-Russian plan

Some Thoughts and Advice for Our Students and All Students

August 29, 2017

We are scholars and teachers at Princeton, Harvard, and Yale who have some thoughts to share and advice to offer students who are headed off to colleges around the country. Our advice can be distilled to three words:
Think for yourself.
Now, that might sound easy. But you will find—as you may have discovered already in high school—that thinking for yourself can be a challenge. It always demands self-discipline and these days can require courage.

Prime Minister opened a session of the CMU and introduced important Government's draft laws

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman opened the session of the Government
The focal point isthe actualization of important bills that drafted by the Government and require prompt adoption by the Parliamentthis fallThese documents address 
far-reaching reformseducationmedicinepension as well as new standards inthe financial 
sectorgovernment property management and administrative management.

UKRAINE IS SOOOO CHEAP! (Indigo Traveller)

Курт Волкер: Я не бачу різниці між російською окупацією Криму і Донбасу

"РФ превратила Крым в концентрационный лагерь": показано количество российских войск на полуострове (инфографика)

Turbiny Siemensa dla Krymu napędzą nowy wyścig zbrojeń? [ANALIZA]

Mimo szerokiej gamy doraźnych wysiłków Moskwy, zaanektowany przez Rosję Krym od dwóch lat zmaga się z poważnymi deficytami energii. Kosztowne przedsięwzięcia infrastrukturalne władz okupacyjnych w perspektywie dwóch-trzech lat mogą pozwolić nie tylko na rozwiązanie problemu deficytu energii elektrycznej na półwyspie, ale zapewnić tam jej spore nadwyżki.

Davis wants legal clarification from EU over Brexit payout

Barcelone prépare déjà l’après-indépendance

Le gouvernement catalan a présenté son projet de loi de « fondation de la République ».

Upcoming Webinars on Digital Currency

As digital currency continues to evolve, it continues to pose unfolding compliance, regulatory and criminal law challenges.  We will present two webinars on this topic in September, in which we will discuss issues posed under the Bank Secrecy Act and the money laundering and federal securities laws, among other issues.
The first webinar, “Current Trends in Criminal Law:  The Mechanics of Virtual Currency, from Legitimate Use to Misuse,” will be presented through Lawline, on September 7 at 11:30 am ET.

5 Ways to Fail at Leading a Meeting

People or machines: Understanding the future of contract management (download)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Banks to Be Allowed to Provide Loans in Domestic Currency against the Collateral of FX Holdings Held in Customers’ Accounts

As part of further relaxations of anti-recessionary FX restrictions, the National Bank of Ukraine has allowed banks to provide loans in domestic currency against the collateral of FX holdings held in customers’ accounts.

Previously, banks were prohibited from extending loans in domestic currency to the customers (including under the opened credit lines and through rollover of previously extended loans), if the property rights for the foreign currency held in the accounts with the banks were pledged as collateral for such loans. 

Corruption reconstruction? – Tales from the port

Juncker: Ukraine not 'European' in the sense of European Union

Commentary: Putin's weird war gets ever riskier

Poland rejects 'groundless' EU complaint

How to Successfully Work Across Countries, Languages, and Cultures

Head of Government about the situation on the liquefied gas market: This is a sabotage against Ukraine

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman commissioned line ministriesthe Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine(AMCU), the State Fiscal Servicelaw enforcement agencies to investigate the situation onthe liquefied gas marketto find out the cause of uncontrolled liquefied gas price hike and to take measures aimedto reduce fuel costs and to support competition on the market
This was stated by the Head of Government duringan interagency meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers.

Ukrenergo attracting intl adviser to file lawsuit as for its Crimean assets against Russia

Weniger Tote im Donbass: Experte erklärt, welche perfide Kreml-Taktik dahintersteckt

Charlottesville: Is “doxing” rally participants legal?

The Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law

Who Determines How to Celebrate Your Life and the Disposition of You When You Die?

На Михайлівській площі відзначать День Пам’яті за загиблими в Іловайській трагедії

29 серпня на Михайлівській площі відбудеться День Пам’яті за загиблими Героями в Іловайській трагедії. Третя річниця наймасштабнішої трагедії в історії сучасної України – Іловайського котла, об’єднає на Михайлівській площі всіх учасників Іловайського братерства: побратимів, яким вдалось вийти з оточення, родичів та сімей загиблих. Саме третя річниця – є дуже принциповою для всіх учасників Іловайського братерства, адже протягом цих років представники влади лише обіцяли справедливого розслідування! Нагадаємо, що в Іловайській трагедії загинуло близько тисячі українських патріотів. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

All at sea (and that’s where they’ll stay) – Odessa Yacht Club

Floating Treasure: Space Law Needs to Catch Up with Asteroid Mining

Volodymyr Groysman: Cabinet of Ministers started testing of a new vacancy portal in government authorities

 The Cabinet of Ministers in the framework of an administrative reform has commenced testing of the large portal of vacancies in government authorities, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman wrote on his Facebook page.

My Family’s Slave

Do you know what sort of pensions trustee you are? TPR issues professional trustee description (United Kingdom)

Edward Lucas: Why the Great Famine in Ukraine still matters today

Donbas reintegration bill to brand Russia "aggressor state" at legislative level – Poroshenko’s envoy to Rada

Let Artists Put Controversial Monuments in a New Light

Week’s milestones. Festive metamorphoses, Parubiy’s announcement, and high profile traffic accidents

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft law on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the registration on tax bills aimed to make procedures simpler for business

Волкер: украинский кризис серьезно навредит российско-украинским отношениям

Erdogans ungestümer Weg in die Autokratie schockiert

Law Professors Condemned as Racist After Praising America’s 1950s ‘Bourgeois Culture’

5 Ways to Secure Your Intellectual Property During Corporate Transitions

Marketing about power and with power

Often overlooked is the decision every marketer makes about how they will treat the issue of power (asymmetrical or not) in their marketing.
Consider insurance. Companies like Allstate don't market themselves as the dominant force in the relationship. They don't say, "you give us money every month for a very long time, and one day, if we think it's a good idea, we'll give you some money back." Instead, they say, "you're in good hands." Insurance is here to take care of you.
That's pretty different from the power dynamic we see implicit in the marketing of Harley Davidson motorcycles. Buying one makes you James Dean. They give you power over others. Luxury brands promise a similar result in certain social situations.
Horror movies don't promise an equitable experience. You sit there, they scare you.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Trump Damaged Democracy, Silicon Valley Will Finish It Off

Donald Trump’s rise is, in a sense, just one symptom of the damage the tech oligarchs are doing to America.


Budget 2018

Quote: Mr. Sammler's Planet by Saul Bellow

"That real prodigy, having set its relations with the infinite, was entirely at home in the finite. Able to carry the jewel of faith, making the motions of the infinite, and as a result needing nothing but the finite and the usual. Whereas others sought the extraordinary in the world. Or wished to be what was gaped at." 

A Small Business Guide To Selling On Amazon: Be Ready To Compete On Price

Виступ Президента під час урочистостей з нагоди 50-річчя створення Світового Конґресу Українців

Poland needs new constitution: president

Mattis brings military equipment for Ukrainian army – Volker

Think Your Company Owns its Software? Think Again.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

E-mail Marketing at Your Peril

Ukraine Says Its Rocket Engines Not Behind North Korea’s Missile Success

Ukraine has finally removed all 1,320 Lenin statues. Our turn.

Britain to urge EU to show 'imagination' in Brexit talks

Ukraine preparing the fourth lawsuit to WTO against Russia

Lawyers Make Better Business Leaders Than MBAs

Yet another thing lawyers do better.

Ukraine’s repressive and corrupt prisons struggle on, unreformed

Google’s Secret Formula for Management? Doing the Basics Well

How Often Did the California Supreme Court Reverse Death Penalty Judgments (Part 2)?

10 Things Savvy Online Marketers Do To Get Web Traffic

Moody’s upgrades Ukraine’s rating, outlook changes to positive from stable

Five best document storage and retention practices for California employers

Mr. Sammler's Planet (PDF)

Mr. Sammler's Planet is a 1970 novel by the American author Saul Bellow. It won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1971.

Moody's повысило кредитный рейтинг Украины до Caa2 с "позитивным" прогнозом

Week’s balance: LPG prices soar, state sector mired in losses, while Firtash comes into spotlight, again

India Ends the Curse of Instant Divorce

In stinging attack, France's Macron says Poland isolating itself in Europe

Supreme Court selections: Delay in court

On Insider Trading, There Ought to Be a Law

The Lawyer’s Guide to Lead-Generating Landing Pages

Friday, August 25, 2017

Exclusive: Russia sanctions disrupt Italian bank's 5 billion euro loan deal

Marshall Plans and EaP Summits – Ukraine

"La agresión rusa a Ucrania nos devolvió a la realidad"

Jim Mattis, in Ukraine, Says U.S. Is Thinking of Sending Weapons

Kyiv today

U.S. considering provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine

Ukraine National Day

Press Statement
Rex W. Tillerson
Washington, DC
August 24, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, best wishes to all Ukrainians on your national day.
As I said in Kyiv last month, we deeply value the friendship we have developed over 25 years of diplomatic relations. We commend your persistence in the face of great challenges, including the Russia-led conflict in Donbas and Russia’s occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea. Despite the hardships you have endured, the people of Ukraine have shown a fierce determination to create economic opportunities, fight corruption, and strengthen their democratic institutions.

Poland vows legal battle on migrant quotas

UTRUST is a revolutionary payment platform

How Europe lost faith in multiculturalism

Samsung Heir Lee Jae-yong Convicted of Bribery, Gets Five Years in Jail

Lee’s lawyers say they will appeal the decision immediately

Germany: Federal Data Protection Act (PDF)

New airport “face scans” stir up privacy issues

25 серпня українці почали освоєння Кубані