Monday, May 9, 2016

North Carolina Governor Won’t Concede That Transgender Law Is Biased

ATLANTA — Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina is expected to respond on Monday to the Justice Department’s warning that a new state law limiting the rights of transgender people is illegal, after he and the federal government failed to reach an agreement that would have allowed him to postpone his reply.

Mr. McCrory said that he could not assent to the Justice Department’s condition for a one-week extension — an acknowledgment by him that the law is discriminatory — and would answer by 5 p.m. on Monday.

“I’m not going to publicly announce that something discriminates, which is agreeing with their letter, because we’re really talking about a letter in which they’re trying to define gender identity, and there is no clear definition of gender identity,” Mr. McCrory, a Republican who is seeking re-election this year, said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It’s the federal government being a bully.”

The governor said that he was “discussing all of our legal options, all of our political options,” and he appeared to rule out the possibility that he would take some kind of independent action to undo the law, or at least limit its enforcement, as some people have suggested.

A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Dena Iverson, said on Sunday that there were “ongoing” discussions after officials “received requests from multiple parties for an extension of the deadline in our May 6 letters,” which were signed by the department’s top civil rights lawyer, Vanita Gupta.

In her letter to Mr. McCrory, Ms. Gupta said the Justice Department had concluded that the law, which bars people from using public restrooms that do not correspond with the gender listed on their birth certificates, breached the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Mr. McCrory signed the measure, commonly referred to as House Bill 2, into law on March 23, hours after the General Assembly approved it during a one-day special session.

Businesses and gay rights groups have criticized the measure and demanded its full repeal, and the bathroom provision has emerged as a particular concern to officials in Washington, who have said that the federal government might someday seek to withhold billions of dollars in aid to North Carolina.

Ms. Gupta did not make such an explicit threat in her letter to Mr. McCrory, in which she said the state was “engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination against its employees.” She gave the governor until Monday to notify the Justice Department whether he would “remedy these violations of Title VII,” which prohibits sex discrimination, and noted that the government could “apply to the appropriate court for an order that will ensure compliance with Title VII.”

Ms. Gupta sent a similar letter to the University of North Carolina, which must also respond by Monday.

Mr. McCrory’s bid for additional time is an extension of the argument that Republican leaders in North Carolina have been making for days: that the Justice Department imposed an excessively hasty deadline to determine the future of a law they contend is crucial to public safety and privacy.

The federal government, Mr. McCrory said, had given North Carolina just “three working days to respond to a pretty complex letter and to a pretty big threat” and that state officials “don’t think three working days is enough to respond to such a threat.”

A spokesman for Roy Cooper, the Democratic candidate for governor and the state’s attorney general, criticized Mr. McCrory’s stand.

“Governor McCrory signed HB2 into law in the dark of night after passing it in just 12 hours, and now complains when he’s given five days to defend it,” the spokesman, Ford Porter, said in a statement. “The governor needs to undo this law now and stop playing politics with our economy.”

Mr. Cooper has refused to defend the law in federal court.

Although the General Assembly will reconvene before Mr. McCrory must submit his reply on Monday, there is virtually no chance that lawmakers will change the law by 5 p.m. The speaker of the State House of Representatives, Tim Moore, said last week that the deadline would “come and go” without action by the Republican-controlled legislature.

“I think we all as legislators have a duty to make sure that we analyze everything, that we look to see what our legal arguments are to counter what the Obama administration is trying to do and see what other things can be done,” Mr. Moore said.

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North Carolina lawmaker: 'we must fight to keep ourstate straight'

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