Sunday, January 8, 2017

Ukrainian interest. Pinchuk’s transformation, Dodon’s signs, and Le Pen’s scandalous statements

Yevgeny Magda

Photo from UNIAN

Russia has intensified its efforts to force Ukraine to peace in Donbas on Moscow’s terms. The official Kyiv should take a closer look at the actions of new president of Moldova Igor Dodon. French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen makes statements that seem alarming for Ukraine and also threaten the integrity and future prospects of the European Union.

Russia seeks to make the most of the time remaining before Donald Trump’s inauguration, to convince the next U.S. administration in the need to recognize Ukraine as Moscow’s exclusive area of influence. It seems that Russia soberly assesses the prospects of a "big deal" with the 45th U.S. president and tries to identify its interests as clearly as possible.

As a result, we see a storm of information attacks by Russian analysts hitting Ukraine as well as "tempting offers" by some of Ukraine’s own opinion leaders. Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk and foreign affairs expert Vasily Filipchuk have both invited Ukraine, though in different formats, to join the “beautiful future” of the restoration of relations with Russia, which has no place for any obligations that the Kremlin would have to fulfill. Poroshenko’s administration through its deputy head Kostyantyn Yeliseiev had to draw some clear “red lines” in a column published by Wall Street Journal which the official Kyiv did not intend to cross.

Read more HERE

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