Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ukraine fulfilled last condition for obtaining visa-free regime with EU

At an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday, March 16, the Government of Ukraine adopted a decision to appoint two members of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, allowing it to start working. This is the last criteria that Ukraine must fulfill to obtain a visa-free regime with the EU, emphasized Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

Today the competitive commission on election of members of the NAPC has decided and chosen two more members of the Agency - Ruslan Radetsky and Ruslan Riaboshapka. It is they that have been approved by the decision of the Government.

To initiate the work of the NAPC, according to the law, it is necessary to choose the majority of the panel – at least three out of five members. After the adoption of the Government’s dicision the panel comprises four members. Thus, the current assignment gives the Commission an opportunity to start its work.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk has stressed the start of the NAPC’s functioning to be the last criteria that Ukraine must fulfill in order to obtain the visa-free regime with the EU, signed by the Prime Minister with the President of Ukraine in their letter to President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

"We have undertaken incredible efforts with MPs and within the Government on the adoption of dozens of legislative acts and hundreds of various decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers as well as Ministries to ensure Ukraine’s success in obtaining the visa-free regime. This is the last one. I know that our European partners realize that as well," pointed out the Prime Minister.

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