Thursday, November 19, 2015

Italian Parliament supports prolongation of sanctions against Russia until full implementation of the Minsk agreements

President Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy Laura Boldrini.

Particular attention was paid to the ways of deepening inter-parliamentary cooperation between Ukraine and Italy.

The President praised the intensification of contacts between MPs of the two states. The evidence of that was recent visit to Rome of the Verkhovna Rada's delegation of the group of friendship with Italy. 

In order to support the dynamics of inter-parliamentary dialogue, Laura Boldrini confirmed willingness to visit Ukraine at the invitation of her Ukrainian colleague.

Petro Poroshenko praised the resolution of the Italian Parliament, which recommends the Italian Government to continue the EU's policy of sanctions against Russia until full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

The parties discussed the deteriorating situation with human rights protection in Crimea and highlighted the need for ensuring immediate access to the temporarily occupied territory of the peninsula for international human rights institutions.

The Head of State thanked the Italian Parliament for timely ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The parties shared views on the further development of bilateral cooperation within the international parliamentary institutions, inter alia, PACE, OSCE PA and IPU.

L. Boldrini supported the provision of the visa-free regime for Ukraine having noted a great contribution of the Ukrainian community of Italy to the prosperity of the country and Europe as a whole.

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