Monday, July 6, 2015

Mindful of Greece, Ukraine Is in a Rush to Line Up Debt Relief

MOSCOW — Nobody knows how the endless dispute will play out between Athens and the European leaders who hold its purse strings. But in Kiev, another European capital in the grip of debt talks, one thing is certain: The Ukrainian government does not want to end up like Greece, squabbling with creditors for years.

So, with support from the International Monetary Fund, the Ukrainians are pressing hard to force foreign investors — including Franklin Templeton, a giant bond fund — to accept big losses in an initial bailout deal.

Western donor countries are propping up the Kiev government financially; Ukrainian officials say they should not be spending that money to pay off bond funds while there is a war going on with Russian-backed separatists. The I.M.F. has said Ukraine must save $15 billion by reducing payments to commercial creditors over four years; it’s a requirement of the bailout.

In early negotiations that opened Tuesday in Washington, the funds — led by Franklin Templeton, which is based in San Mateo, Calif., and is Ukraine’s largest single creditor — have resisted a deal to write off part of the debt, arguing instead for extending the repayment period until 2019. In the creditors’ analysis,
Ukraine’s economy will recover quickly enough to make the payments by dipping into gold and foreign currency reserves.

The government is asking for an immediate 40 percent reduction in principal. If bondholders hold out, the Ukrainian officials say, an initial bailout might not work, and Ukraine could be back at the table with creditors again and again — mirroring the situation in Greece.

“If there is a lesson to learn from Greece, it is the need to be very aggressive from the very beginning on what kind of haircut is needed,” Ivan Tchakarov, an economist at Citigroup who follows Ukraine, said in a telephone interview.

Officials in Kiev have also been hinting strongly that the creditors have only themselves to blame for ignoring glaring signs of corruption in the government of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych.

After he was overthrown by street protesters last year, it was discovered that Mr. Yanukovych’s lavish private residence included a zoo, a classic car collection and a golf course — clearly where millions of dollars in public money had ended up.

Michael Hasenstab, a lead investor with Franklin Templeton, had poured about $7 billion into Ukrainian bonds in the years before the change of power in Kiev. That investment is worth about $4 billion today. The loss comes to about 1 percent of a global bond fund he oversees. Despite the loss, the fund’s return has been positive this year.

“We do look for situations that are out of favor,” Mr. Hasenstab said in a video released by the company in April last year about the decision to invest in Ukraine.
Before the crisis that began with protests in Kiev in November 2013, Ukraine’s public debt ratios were low. So despite its many other problems, investors were drawn to the bond market.

“When we go to a country, when we are on the ground like we are right now, it’s a very different story than is portrayed in the Western media or the conventional wisdom in the market,” he said in the video, which was released by Franklin Templeton and set in Kiev.
In 2013, the former Ukrainian government lobbied Franklin Templeton to hold its bonds by sending Serhiy

Arbuzov, a first deputy prime minister, to San Mateo, even as the political and economic situation at home was unraveling. The country was negotiating to join a Russian-led trade bloc, running counter to Western foreign policy goals.

At the time, some investors argued they would win regardless of the geopolitical outcome, since the I.M.F. or Russia could be expected to bail them out with public sector aid to Ukraine.

Now they aren’t so sure. The bondholders have formed a negotiating committee. An interest payment is due on July 24, and the first repayment of a bond on Sept. 23. A majority of Ukraine’s outstanding debt was issued under former President Yanukovych, who was elected in 2010. Some of the debt dates to a previous, pro-Western government under Viktor A. Yushchenko. The last bond was floated in 2013.

Franklin Templeton’s press office declined to make Mr. Hasenstab available for an interview. The company has emphasized that it is a long-term investor in Ukraine, arguing that avoiding a write-off will allow Ukraine a quicker return to commercial credit markets, and a faster recovery. A representative of the bondholder committee notes that Franklin Templeton and other investors buy bonds with maturity longer than presidential or parliamentary terms, signaling a commitment to the country rather than any particular government.

The I.M.F. — while not buying the argument that a previous government’s misdeeds provide an excuse to renege on Ukraine’s debt — has suggested that the creditors should accept serious losses, basing its case on a need to keep Ukraine’s debt-to-gross-domestic-product ratios from ballooning out of control.

In another show of support for Ukraine’s government in the talks, the I.M.F. said on Thursday that it had reached a staff-level agreement with Kiev on policies needed to disburse a $1.7 billion loan installment.

The creditor committee insists it is doing its part to help Ukraine by deferring payments, while also defending the interests of its clients, which include American retirement account holders and retail investors.

In a statement, the committee said it had provided Ukraine with “a full, comprehensive restructuring proposal that meets all I.M.F. criteria and offers nearly $16 billion of relief for Ukraine.”

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