Monday, June 15, 2015

It is not a law - the loss of the military in peacetime can not be a state secret

May 28, 2015, Vladimir Putin signed a decree related to the state secret information about military casualties in peacetime, during special operations. Direct connection of the decree with the situation in the south-east of Ukraine is obvious. Transparency and the purpose for which it was signed - to stop any attempt to objective coverage of the conflict, which may conflict with the official version.

So Vladimir Putin made a secret data on military killed in peacetime, during special operations - this information is now considered a state secret. A few weeks later, on June 15, a lawyer Ivan Pavlov (he specializes in cases of treason) sent a statement to the Supreme Court - he's going to prove that the president can not make such information secret. To suit joined by many journalists and public figures.

It should be noted that Putin's decree of May 28 as such - it is only part of the problem. It amends paragraph 10 of the decree of President Boris Yeltsin, who 20 years ago, during the first Chechen war, were kept secret information on casualties in wartime.

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