Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Anti-Corruption Bureau to start operating in October

Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk has said that testing of detectives will begin next week and active investigations will be launched in October.

He said this during the Swedish-Ukrainian business forum on Tuesday.

"On Monday, we want to begin testing the detectives. We have been set a difficult task - to start the bureau's work, that is to launch specific investigations on specific criminal cases in October 2015," he said.

Sytnyk named the fight against corruption in the judicial branch, control of budget funds and public procurement as the main objectives for the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

"We have several priorities, we try to be proactive. A separate department has been already created, and we recruit staff that will be engaged in the fight against corruption in the judiciary, as the cases investigated by the bureau will still come to court. Therefore, the fight against corruption in the judiciary is one of our priorities. Plus, we have one more priority - a full control over the budget funds and public procurement," Sytnyk said.

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