Sunday, April 19, 2015

International Monetary and Financial Committee Thirty-First Meeting (April 17–18, 2015)

IMFC Statement by Johan Van Overtveldt Minister of Finance, Belgium On behalf of Republic of Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Kingdom of the Netherlands—Netherlands, Romania, and Ukraine

We thank Minister Tharman for his inspiring leadership of our Committee during the last 4 years. We welcome Agustin Carstens, Governor of Banco de Mexico, as our Committee’s new Chairman. The Managing Director and the staff of the IMF have made a commendable analysis and formulated useful policy recommendations which document our deliberations. The IMFC should agree on policies to better secure financial stability, durable balanced inclusive growth, and employment creation to anchor social cohesion and welfare. We shall also give guidance on how the Fund can continue improving its functioning and support of its members, including efforts to make progress on the quota and governance reforms. I will expand on both main topics in turn.

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