Sunday, April 19, 2015

G7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué

Lübeck, 15 April 2015

We reiterate our full support for the diplomatic efforts of the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group and welcome the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements of 12 February 2015 agreed by the Trilateral Contact Group and endorsed by UNSC Resolution 2202. We welcome the initial steps to implement the package, but note the need for substantial and rapid progress on outstanding elements. We stand united in our conviction that the conflict in Ukraine can only be solved by diplomatic means and in full respect for international law, especially the legal obligation to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.

We call on all sides to fully assume their responsibility and to implement their commitments under the Minsk agreements. Further and verifiable progress is required in particular as regards respect for the ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons. We expect in particular Russia to use its considerable influence over the separatists to meet their Minsk commitments in full. In this respect, the G7 underlines the close linkage between full implementation of the Minsk Agreements and international sanctions. Sanctions are not an end in themselves; their duration should be clearly linked to Russia’s complete implementation of the Minsk agreements and respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty. We also expect Russia to take effective measures against trans-border support of separatist fighters. We will continue to closely monitor the situation.

We emphasise the OSCE’s key role in helping deescalate the crisis through the Special Monitoring Mission as well as the Observer Mission and within the Trilateral Contact Group and commend the OSCE for its constructive response to the Minsk package. We call on all OSCE participating States to help provide the organisation with all support necessary to fulfil these responsibilities.

We welcome the support given at the Normandy Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Berlin on April 13 to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission and to the representative of the OSCE Chair for the swift establishment of working groups of the Trilateral Contact Group in order to start the political process needed to overcome the conflict.

We reiterate our condemnation of Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea more than a year ago in violation of international law and reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition and sanctions against those involved. Furthermore, we are concerned by the ongoing disinformation campaigns in the Russian state-controlled media as well as the growing pressure on political and civil society figures voicing disagreement with the course being taken by the Russian government.

Recalling the G7 The Hague Declaration of 24 March 2014, we recognise the importance of maintaining dialogue with Russia, in particular to working towards a comprehensive, sustainable and peaceful solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.

We commend the commitment of the Ukrainian government to extensive and sustainable reforms and support Ukraine in overcoming the economic crisis and rebuilding its economy. The Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) agreed between the IMF and the government of Ukraine is an important basis for reform efforts in Ukraine and provides an anchor for the international efforts to support the stabilisation of the country. We underline the importance of meaningful and effective structural reforms in Ukraine, including constitutional reform with a particular emphasis on decentralisation/local government reform, and of continued efforts by the government to fight corruption, notably through the vigorous implementation of the package of anti-corruption laws adopted last year and the establishment of the new national Anti-Corruption-Bureau.

We call on Ukraine to continue to successfully implement its ambitious reform agenda in line with IMF conditionality, Ukraine’s World Bank Programme (WBP) and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Both the reform programme and its swift implementation will boost confidence in the Ukrainian economy and political determination to accomplish further reforms. We are looking forward to learn more about Ukraine’s reform efforts at the upcoming EU-Ukraine Summit (Kyiv, April 27) and the International Support for Ukraine Conference (Kyiv, April 28).

Energy security remains an important issue for Ukraine. We welcome efforts of the trilateral talks of EU, Ukraine and Russia to reach a sustainable agreement for gas deliveries. At the same time, we commend efforts by Ukraine to reform the energy sector, to diversify energy supply and to increase energy efficiency. We remain committed to the Rome G7 Energy Initiative to build a more diverse and resilient international energy system.

We reiterate our support for the multinational effort to secure and return to an environmentally safe condition at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. We are committed to make the conference of donors to be held in London on April 29th a success and to take our responsibility to bring the projects to a successful completion.

We welcome the renewed efforts by the G7 Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Global Partnership) to work closely with Ukraine on funding programmes in the areas of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological security.

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