Friday, October 25, 2024

LLC Registration in Ukraine by Proxy: The First Step is Obtaining a Tax Number from the Tax Service

In recent years, Ukraine has introduced several streamlined procedures to make LLC registration accessible to non-residents, even if they cannot physically come to the country. This has opened doors for foreign investors who wish to establish a business presence in Ukraine without needing to be here in person.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Russia/Ukraine: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on reports of the DPRK sending troops to Russia


24/10/2024 17:24 | Press release |

Russia/Ukraine: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on reports of the DPRK sending troops to Russia


The European Union is deeply alarmed by reports that the DPRK is sending troops to participate in Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine. This would constitute a serious breach of international law, including the most fundamental principles of the UN Charter. It would be a unilateral hostile act by the DPRK with serious consequences for European and global peace and security. This development also illustrates once again how Russia is spreading instability and escalation in the region and across the globe.

The European Union strongly condemns the deepening military cooperation and arms transfers between the DPRK and Russia, which flagrantly violate multiple United Nations Security Council resolutions. The EU urges the DPRK to stop providing support to Russia’s illegal war efforts.

Eyes Wide Shut: A Global Farce Unfolding


This would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. Putin’s supposed global isolation? A complete failure. The recent BRICS meeting in Kazan, legitimized by none other than the head of the UN and bolstered by China’s president, showcased one thing to the world: the spinelessness of Western policy. A jubilant Putin now brazenly announces his intent to reshape the global legal order, while the summit's declaration makes a mockery of reality—mentioning Ukraine and the UN Charter as if Ukraine had attacked Russia. It's a twisted reflection from Putin's world of crooked mirrors.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Nuclear Turmoil in Brussels: A Wake-Up Call for the World

On October 17, President Zelenskyy, speaking at a press conference in Brussels, made a clear and seemingly straightforward statement: Ukraine has never aimed to create its own nuclear bomb. Yet, in the age of disinformation and conspiracy theories, even the simplest declarations can spiral out of control. Almost immediately, the narrative shifted. Zelenskyy, in the eyes of conspiracy theorists, now "carried a nuclear warhead in each pocket."

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Zelenskyy’s Peace Plan: A Path to Peace Through Strength


In a stirring speech before the Ukrainian parliament, President Zelenskyy unveiled a strategic plan for peace – one that’s both bold and clear-eyed about the realities Ukraine faces. His message, aimed not only at Ukrainians but at the international community, underlined the gravity of the war and the urgency for collective action. It’s a plan rooted in resilience and foresight, designed not merely to end the war but to secure a lasting peace.
While parts of the plan remain classified, world leaders like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and even Donald Trump have been briefed. What we know is that it consists of five distinct points: the first geopolitical, the second and third military, the fourth economic, the fifth security – all supplemented by three secret annexes. Each point reflects Ukraine's determination to resist Russian aggression, but Zelenskyy emphasized that success is only possible with the help of international partners.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Lifelong Learning? What About Lifelong Teaching? If You Agree, Then Educator Is Coming to You

I’ve met so many remarkable people over the years—especially those who’ve reached what society often calls “elderly.” But I’m telling you, sixty really is the new thirty. These individuals are full of energy, sharp minds, and a passion for life that would put many younger folks to shame.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Lost Russian World or Blood Feud Is Here


A sophisticated reader, especially from the United States, can easily picture the scene: the Governor of Connecticut, standing before a room filled with the state's top law enforcement officials, suddenly declares a blood feud against a senator from Delaware. The public official of one state openly vows vengeance against a representative elected by another state's people. The speech is dramatic, incendiary—and recorded for all to see.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Bon appétit, Mike Johnson!


October 11, 2024. Punchbowl news.

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson recently declared, “I don’t have an appetite for further Ukraine funding, and I hope it’s not necessary. If President Trump wins, I believe that he actually can bring that conflict to a close. I really do. I think he’ll call [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and tell him that this is enough. And I think everybody around the world is worried about this, and they want it to be resolved. So whatever the terms are, I’m not sure, but I think if Kamala Harris is president, I don’t think it ends, and that’s a desperate and dangerous scenario.”

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Gone with the Milton

Post-Tropical Cyclone Milton served as a convenient pretext to delay the much-anticipated Ramstein meeting, where critical decisions for the Russian-Ukrainian war were expected. The absence of U.S. President Joseph Biden, attributed to the wrath of Milton (which, in retrospect, was exaggerated), seemed to rob the gathering of its significance. 

Whether Biden’s non-participation was genuinely weather-related or politically calculated remains a question for history to unravel. Either way, the storm appears to have swept away not only Biden but also some of Ukraine’s immediate hopes for significant NATO advances, particularly on the pressing issue of striking deep into Russian territory.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Rebooting Ukraine’s Business Inspection System: A Balanced Path Forward


On October 8, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the first reading of a groundbreaking draft law, "On the Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control)" (No. 5837). This marks a significant shift in how business inspections will be handled, with the dual goals of fostering a more favorable business environment and ensuring greater accountability.

Orban’s Roast in the European Parliament: The Curtain Falls on Hungary’s Strongman

Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s controversial prime minister, recently took center stage in the European Parliament, but what he received wasn’t applause—it was a public roasting. While laying out Hungary’s priorities for its upcoming EU presidency, including EU enlargement, Orbán pointedly ignored Ukraine, sparking sharp rebukes from the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, and other EU leaders.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hurricane or Refusal to Capitulate?


If there are people out there charged with the political isolation of Vladimir Putin, they might as well return the money. Yesterday, in the heart of Moscow, the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) gathered, with none other than Putin himself presiding. Nine CIS leaders stood by his side in the Kremlin, knowing full well that he is actively committing genocide against the Ukrainian people and is a wanted man by the International Criminal Court. Yet, there they were, posing for a joint photo as if this was just another day in politics. What explains this? Is it their fear of Putin or a reflection of shared values?

Monday, October 7, 2024

Anytime Fitness - U.S. Franchise for Ukrainian Entrepreneurs: A Path to Success


As Ukraine emerges from the challenges of war, the focus on rebuilding goes beyond infrastructure. People are seeking to rebuild their lives, including their health and well-being. With health awareness steadily growing in urban areas, especially in Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa, the demand for accessible and flexible fitness centers is rising. This presents a unique opportunity for Ukrainian entrepreneurs to bring Anytime Fitness to their communities—a well-established franchise that aligns perfectly with the country’s evolving fitness needs.

З Днем Юриста! Happy Lawyer's Day!


Sunday, October 6, 2024

Rediscovering Schopenhauer in the Quantum Age: The World as Representation


"The true and the genuine would more easily obtain a footing in the world, were it not that those incapable of producing it were at the same time pledged not to let it gain ground." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Arthur Schopenhauer, though often overshadowed by more celebrated thinkers of his time, saw beyond the material world with a philosophical vision that continues to resonate in surprising ways.

A Tribunal for Putin: Ukraine and the Council of Europe Move Forward on Prosecuting Russian Aggression


In a significant step towards justice, Ukraine, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, is pushing forward plans to establish a special tribunal to address the crime of Russian aggression. This initiative, which has gained momentum, is poised to be built on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe, a structure that Ukrainian officials deem the most promising path to hold those responsible for war crimes accountable.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Investing in Ukraine: A Path to Economic Renewal with Advantage Ukraine


As 2024 draws to a close, Ukraine is firmly stepping into the future with a bold vision for economic renewal. At the recent Lugano conference, Ukraine presented a comprehensive recovery strategy, earning both praise and strong backing from its international partners. This plan, backed by significant financial commitments, lays the foundation for transforming the country from a transition economy to a dynamic, developing economy by 2032.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Чи плануєте Ви франчайзинг Вашого бізнесу? Декілька порад щодо організаційного процесу та юридичних документів


Франчайзинг може стати ефективним методом масштабування вашого бізнесу. Але перш ніж ви поринете в нього, важливо зрозуміти, що франчайзинг - це не просто копіювання вашої бізнес-моделі, це складний процес, що вимагає ретельного планування, стратегії та міцної правової бази. Отже, як дізнатися, чи готовий ваш бізнес стати франшизою і які кроки вам потрібно зробити? Ось кілька важливих порад, які проведуть вас через цей процес.

Kumon - U.S. Franchise for Ukrainian Entrepreneurs: A Path to Success


Kumon offers more than just extra lessons; it provides a transformative approach to education that empowers students to become self-sufficient learners. Unlike traditional classroom settings where students are often guided toward specific tests or assessments, Kumon focuses on individualized instruction. This means that each child learns at their own pace, mastering foundational concepts before progressing to more advanced topics. Through meticulously designed worksheets, Kumon fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, giving students lifelong tools to succeed.

Why Kumon?

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What Greeds May Come


Political impotence does not arise out of nowhere. It is the inevitable consequence of allowing commercial greed to dominate political principles. All politicians are a bit like traders, but not all traders are politicians.

When political leaders turn a blind eye to human rights violations in the pursuit of profit, the short-term gains may seem worthwhile - like Frau Merkel with Russian gas, Sarkozy's deals in Georgia, or Obama's hands-off approach to Ukraine and Crimea. But in the long run, appeasement always brings both shame and war.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Empowering Future Leaders: Rule of Law Training for Ukrainian Law Students


Ukraine stands at a critical juncture in its history. As we rebuild from the devastating impact of war, we are also seizing the opportunity to strengthen our democratic institutions and rule of law. At the core of this transformation is our commitment to European integration, democratic governance, and respect for human rights. But who will carry this mission forward? The answer lies in our students—the future legal professionals who will play an essential role in shaping Ukraine’s post-war recovery.

"Даже те кто был за Россию в 2014, теперь против нас!" Царев признал про...

Are You Planning to Franchise Your Business? A Few Tips on the Organizational Process and Legal Documents


Franchising can be an exciting way to scale your business. But before you dive in, it's crucial to understand that franchising is not just about replicating your business model - it's a complex process that requires careful planning, strategy, and a solid legal framework. So, how do you know if your business is ready, and what steps do you need to take? Here are a few essential tips to guide you through the process.

Putin’s Eleven, or How Many Are There?

The moment you hear any politician casually drop the phrases "Ukrainian crisis" or "Ukrainian conflict," rest assured that person is a mouthpiece for Putin's agenda. There’s no confusion about it – they are not just misinformed, they are actively aligning with interests that stand against Ukraine.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Transforming Ukraine’s Social Services: The Power of Digital Innovation at the Global Digital Social Forum 2024


Today, September 27, 2024, marked the opening of the second Global Digital Social Forum, where more than 300 participants - including government representatives, businesses, NGOs, and international partners - came together with a shared vision: transforming the future of social services through digital innovation.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Mr. Putin: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Ah, Putin and his new nuclear doctrine - an ultimatum to the West, of course, but delivered with that classic Putin flair: a hint of menace and just enough ambiguity to keep everyone guessing. His latest revision of Russia’s nuclear policy has the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, but fear not! Putin kindly leaves himself a back door to retreat. After all, why lock yourself in a room with your own insanity when you can keep the world in suspense instead?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Subway - U.S. Franchise for Ukrainian Entrepreneurs: A Path to Success


When it comes to expanding food franchises in Ukraine, one brand stands out for its adaptability, affordability, and proven success: Subway. Known for its quick, affordable, and flexible dining options, Subway's business model aligns perfectly with Ukraine’s growing urban market. As cities like Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa continue to develop and modernize, the demand for fast, convenient, and healthier food alternatives has skyrocketed. That’s where Subway comes in.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Unlocking Opportunities: How Ukrainian Entrepreneurs Can Bring U.S. Franchises to Ukraine's Growing Market


In the face of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction, the potential for economic revival is vast. For entrepreneurs seeking sustainable and proven business models, franchising offers a golden opportunity. While the world watches Ukraine’s resilience, the country is ripe for new businesses, and U.S. franchises can play a pivotal role in rebuilding the nation’s economy.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

"Rebuilding Ukraine: A Web Platform Connecting Franchisors and Franchisees for Economic Revival"


In the wake of Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction, the need for streamlined, sustainable business models has never been greater. Franchising presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to contribute to this rebuilding effort while expanding their businesses. But where do potential franchisees go to find the right opportunity? Where can franchisors share their proven models with motivated local entrepreneurs ready to invest?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Role of AI in Legal Document Review: Pros, Cons, and Safeguarding Client Confidentiality

 The Evolution of AI in Legal Document Review

The legal industry has traditionally been slow to adopt emerging technologies, but artificial intelligence (AI) has made a noticeable impact in recent years, particularly in the area of legal document review. Initially, document review involved manual sifting through contracts, discovery materials, and other legal documents. However, AI-powered tools have significantly changed the landscape by offering advanced automation and analytics.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A New Digital Dawn for Ukrainian Entrepreneurs: ePermit Streamlines Business Processes


Starting September 18, Ukraine's entrepreneurs will take a significant step toward digital efficiency with the launch of the Unified State Electronic System of Permit Documents (eDozvil by ukrainian). This groundbreaking initiative, part of the broader EU4DigitalUA project funded by the European Union, marks a new era for businesses navigating the often cumbersome process of compliance and permits.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Storm and Shadow Over Putin's Head

A feeling of dark irony arose from Putin’s brief, almost theatrical interview regarding the strikes of Western long-range missiles on Russian territory. The setting itself was symbolic: a literal gateway, an archway in a building complex where he sought shelter from possible airstrikes. Where is the once mighty ruler of Earth, the one Putin imagined himself to be in February 2022? Now, what stands before us is a small, frightened man, eyes filled with dread, awaiting the terrible fate that seems to inch closer by the day.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Franchising in Post-War Ukraine: A Golden Opportunity for Early Movers

As Ukraine embarks on what will be one of the largest post-war reconstruction efforts in modern history, the economic landscape is primed for transformative growth. The country’s candidacy for European Union membership adds another layer of opportunity, particularly for businesses considering entering the market through franchising. For companies looking to expand into Ukraine, franchising presents a unique, lower-risk alternative to traditional investment, with enormous potential for growth in the post-war era.

Franchising: A Strategic Advantage Over Traditional Investment

Monday, September 9, 2024

BRICS or Putin's Upcoming Triumph in Kazan: A Geopolitical Chess Move?

There’s nothing inherently wrong with the rapid expansion of BRICS. After all, who wouldn’t welcome the idea of laying new “bricks” to build a better global economy? BRICS nations collectively represent 33.9% of the Earth’s territory, 45.2% of its population, and 36.7% of global GDP. These numbers speak for themselves. The combination of the world’s largest energy producers and its biggest consumers among developing countries could lead to monumental economic shifts. In turn, this could reshape the entire geopolitical landscape.

Let’s start with the current members of BRICS:

Sunday, September 8, 2024

"Там нет наших! Даже пророссийские украинцы - иуды!" Соловьев озвучил н...

Battle of Kursk II: The Inevitable Path of Russian Decolonization: A Moral and Global Imperative


The indignation of the Russian opposition over the mere suggestion of decolonizing Russia ironically mirrors Putin's own declarations about the need for a new European security architecture.

While Putin clamors for a redrawn geopolitical map, reminiscent of Soviet-era dominance, the opposition clings to its imperialist roots. The Russian opposition cannot even entertain the thought of dismantling their empire, preferring instead to preserve the Russian state as a “prison of nations.” And, of course, there is the ever-present nuclear threat, which they regard as the ultimate bargaining chip in Russia’s foreign policy.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ставки повышаются. Выборы. Умное голосование. Умственная непроходимость....

Сыновей мы еще нарожаем.. а вот Тойота - ТОЙОТА ИЗ РОССИИ УШЛА

Battle of Kursk II: The Autumn of Our Discontent


Today marks a month since Ukrainian troops have set foot on Russian soil. If this was part of Putin's grand design, then congratulations are in order – it has succeeded brilliantly.

But in truth, Putin is doing everything in his power to downplay the Ukrainian incursion. In contrast, he flaunts Russian successes in the Donbas, framing it as the primary front of Russian military focus. Yet this narrative doesn't sit well with the residents and elites of Russia's Kursk region. Why, they ask, has their "liberation" been indefinitely postponed?

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: The Adele Syndrome or a Mentally Ill Grandfather?

Vladimir Putin's fatal obsession with Ukraine didn't start on February 22, 2022, the day Russian tanks rolled across the border in a full-scale invasion. No, this moment was merely the climax of a long-simmering affliction - a manifestation of Putin's own Adele Syndrome toward Ukraine. This isn't just geopolitical ambition; it's a deeply rooted psychological disorder, one that mirrors the unrequited love described in the classic syndrome, where passion turns into a destructive obsession.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Ukraine and UK Forge Stronger Economic Ties with Landmark Trade Agreement

On August 22, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine made a significant move by ratifying the Political, Free Trade, and Strategic Partnership Agreement with the United Kingdom.

This step marks a pivotal moment for Ukraine’s economy, as it opens up new avenues for growth by fully liberalizing trade between the two nations over the next five years.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: Rockets as Geography Teachers

As someone with a higher education and a scientific degree, I’ve always prided myself on having a solid grasp of geography. Ukraine, for instance, has always held a distinct place in my mind - its vast lands stretching beyond Germany and England combined, taking the crown as the largest country entirely within Europe. France might give it a run for its money, but only because of those distant overseas territories.

Yet, I must admit, my familiarity with Italy’s winding roads and Austria’s alpine passes often outshone my knowledge of certain regions in my own Ukraine - places I’d never ventured to, but now know all too well.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: The Fall of Sausage into the Abyss

"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

In the vast expanse of Russia, where the past and present collide with a force that tears at the fabric of society, a choice was made that sealed the nation's fate. When Vladimir Putin first emerged as the leader of Russia, the people faced a decision that would shape their future: the seductive allure of Freedom or the comforting embrace of Sausage. The choice was stark, yet deceptively simple - democracy and liberty, or stability and a full stomach. Russians chose Sausage.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: Worship of Moloch

"The worship of Moloch was distinguished by the sacrifice of children through burnt offerings." - From an ancient scroll.
In the shadow of history, Moloch, the ancient god of fire and sacrifice, demanded the ultimate price - children, offered in flames to appease a vengeful deity. Today, this dark ritual finds its echo in the fervor of modern-day Russia, where the cult of war and victory has become a new religion.

Battle of Kursk II: Enter Ghost

"Enter Ghost." — A stage direction from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

"As the day unfolded, a series of unexpected events influenced the battle's outcome." — The Battle of Waterloo, 1815.

In the tense corridors of Moscow, the atmosphere crackles with the kind of anxiety that only comes when history's shadow looms large. Security measures have been ramped up to the extreme, with rigorous checks at every entry point to the Russian capital. Officially, these precautions are attributed to the threat of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups penetrating the city. But the reality? The true ghost haunting the Kremlin is not Ukrainian soldiers—it's the specter of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: The Endgame

"The endgame in chess is a stage where strategy shifts from complex maneuvers to precise calculations and deep understanding of positions." - Magister Ludi.

On August 6, 2024, when Ukrainian forces launched an unprecedented invasion into Russian territory, most Western analysts - and surprisingly, even Vladimir Putin - dismissed it as a mere tactical move to divert Russian troops from Ukraine. This underestimation mirrors their earlier predictions from February 2022, when they anticipated Ukraine’s defeat within mere days or weeks. We all remember how that turned out.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: Put a Good Face to the Bad Times


Putin launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine under the far-fetched pretext of strengthening Russia's security. His intention was clear: the destruction of Ukraine as a state and Ukrainians as a nation. But now, in the third year of this brutal conflict, it's evident that his grand ambitions have not only faltered—they've backfired.
Having failed to achieve his original goals, Putin shifted his strategy, hoping to carve out a so-called security zone by seizing vast regions of Ukraine. It’s worth noting just how enormous this territory is—Ukraine, after all, is the largest country in Europe by land area. And no, France doesn't count; its size is boosted by its overseas territories.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: No One Writes to the Colonel


Since the Ukrainian Armed Forces crossed the border into Russia's Kursk region, the silence from Russia's so-called allies has been deafening. Not a peep of support for Russia, nor a word of condemnation for Ukraine. The lukewarm mumblings from Belarus' president and the ambiguous noises from China hardly count as reactions.

Let’s not forget about the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), that relic of the post-Soviet era which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan. For years, Putin and Russia posed as the guardians of security across this group, using the CSTO as a leash to keep its members in line.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: Madness Approaches


Imagine, if you will, that you’re the president of a vast country, and you decide it’s a brilliant idea to invade your neighbor. There’s just one tiny problem: your country’s laws don’t exactly allow you to start wars in neighboring states. But hey, who needs laws when you have euphemisms? So, you go ahead and launch a full-scale invasion, but don’t call it a war—oh no, it’s a "special military operation." That sounds much nicer, doesn’t it?

You reassure your citizens that everything is going perfectly according to plan. Victory is just around the corner. After all, your propaganda machine is working overtime, broadcasting to the world that you’ve already crushed the enemy’s armed forces. It’s almost too easy! But there’s a catch: you can’t have your people calling it a war, because that might imply, you know, actual conflict. So, anyone brave enough to hold up a sign that says "No to war" gets a one-way ticket to prison. Problem solved.