Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Deepening Partnership With India

When President Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India met last week at the White House, many analysts puzzled over how and why the two leaders, so different in so many ways, get along. Whatever the reasons, what’s important is that they have significantly deepened the partnership between their two countries. It may be one of Mr. Obama’s most important foreign policy achievements.

Relations between America and India, testy during the Cold War, warmer under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, are now producing concrete gains under Mr. Obama. The two democracies are finding common cause in countering China’s aggression in the South China Sea, resisting climate change, fighting terrorism and investing in each other’s economic growth.

The environmental community and indeed anyone worried about global warming found much to cheer in Mr. Obama’s and Mr. Modi’s promise to work together to realize the potential of December’s Paris treaty on climate change, and in particular Mr. Modi’s agreement for a more aggressive timetable for phasing out heat-trapping climate pollutants known as hydrofluorocarbons, which are used in vehicle and household air conditioners.

Both sides also promised to keep driving the expansion of renewable energy sources. In Paris, India pledged to invest heavily in wind and solar power, and in just the first six months of this year has installed more solar capacity than it did all last year. The two sides also announced two new programs, to be jointly financed, to attract new private investment in renewables and to provide renewable energy to Indian villages that are not connected to the grid.

No less important is the growing cooperation between the two countries on defense issues. The United States formally recognized India as a major defense partner, making it eligible to buy some of the most sophisticated American-made weapons and technology without first having to receive a license. The two countries have stepped up joint military exercises. If there was any doubt that a message to China was intended, Mr. Modi told Congress that India appreciated America’s role in Asia and endorsed its commitment to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, which Beijing is claiming largely as its own.

The two sides also announced plans to complete a deal under which India will buy six nuclear reactors from Westinghouse by June 2017, thus fulfilling a promise India made when it persuaded Mr. Bush in 2005 to lift an American ban on selling nuclear technology to India. The deal has dragged on for years.

Other vital issues will need work, now and far into the future, including the India-Pakistan-China nuclear competition that threatens the region. It will be up to the next president to build on a relationship that is on stronger footing now than it has been for some time.

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