
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Civil Code of Ukraine

The Civil Code of Ukraine - the basic legal act of civil legislation of Ukraine adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 16 January 2003.

Civil legislation shall regulate personal property and non-property relations (civil
relations) founded on the basis of legal equality, goodwill and property independence of
their parties.

The civil legislation shall be not applied to the property relations founded on the
administrative or other power subordination of one party to another as well as to tax and
budgetary relations unless otherwise established by the law.

Natural persons and legal entities represent participants of civil relations.
Participants of civil relations shall include the state of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic
of Crimea, territorial communities, foreign states and other subjects of the Public Law.
General foundations of the civil legislation include:
1) unacceptability of a self-willed intrusion into a private life of a human;
2) unacceptability of ownership deprivation except as established by the Constitution
of Ukraine and the law;
3) freedom of agreement;
4) freedom of entrepreneurial activity;
5) remedy of a civil right and interest;
6) equity, good faith and reasonability.

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