
Monday, January 30, 2017

Exclusive: How to Improve Your Writing Efficiency

Lucy Adams

Let's just make a reservation: speed writing doesn’t mean poor writing. Unfortunately, very often people determine the price for their work by the amount of time spent on it. However, you can spend a few days on the creation of a bad text while writing a masterpiece in a few hours. The only question is your professionalism. And the ability to work quickly with a large amount of information is one the components of a skilled writer.

It happens that after a few months of work, the problem becomes a serious obstacle. If you have to complete a lot of orders in a short time, you do need to know some speed writing tricks.

Lucy Adams, a blogger and essay writer, shares tips on how to speed up your writing while remaining its quality.

#1 Practice Makes Perfect

Trite, but what to do if it is true? Writing (I mean the skill to express thoughts on paper rather than typing) is the same skill as many others. Remember how you learned to cook, drive, speak foreign languages.

At first, the processes turned to be very slow and with a lot of mistakes. But the more you practice, the better you cope and the faster you achieve the desired results.

There is no magic way to become a pen wizard in a day. Therefore, the advice is to write as much as you can. For sale, for a portfolio, for fun, for a blog – it doesn’t matter. If you decide to boost your writing skills – write every day.

By the way, if using the different formats of writing – articles, blog posts, posts to social networks notes, etc. – greatly contributes to your versatility as an author. 

#2 Don’t be Afraid of Getting Poor Results

Very many people are stopped by the fear of public opinion. Being under the burden of responsibility, you’ll unlikely think outside the box.

The most common mistake is to overestimate the importance of the paper you write. You’ll be read by hundreds of thousands of people. What will they say? What if someone won’t enjoy your style? What if your paper contains mistakes? Never ask yourself these questions and never care about the opinion of "critics." Write if you want to write. No one can take this right from you.

Any text of any author is not perfect. The better you write, the more often you are criticized. Alas, everyone cares just about money. The best authors often groundlessly criticize each other, not to mention novices. You won’t get criticized only in case nobody reads you.

Immediately remove the burden of responsibility! It’s just an article. This is not the work of a lifetime, which determines whether you get the Nobel Prize in literature.

#3 To Start Writing, Just Start Writing!

Many novice writers set themselves up for several hours or even days to be ready begin. Don’t wait for inspiration – just sit down and start writing. Otherwise, the process will take a lot of time. Too much time. It's just a job – interesting, creative, but just a job that you have to complete.

Put yourself a reasonable deadline – not too taught and not too far. Don’t get distracted by minor details, third-party news and interesting videos that you will meet during the process.

#4 Eliminate Mechanical Obstacles

If you print slowly, sign up for courses or use one of the programs available on the Internet. Low-speed printing is a barrier that you are able to overcome in a few months.

#5 Avoid Distractions

Remember the golden rule – the whole text must be written at once, regardless its volume (within reasonable limits). It does not apply to fiction, selling texts, and other forms that require large energy inputs. Write an article or post on a blog in one sitting. Edit and proofread it after a break.

If you write a few paragraphs, then take a cup of tea or answer a call, you lose more time than you think for the reason that you’ll spend additional time on "diving" back into the text.

I hope the given advice will help you to cover the most burning topics in the shortest time. The faster you write, the greater the desire to write. Don’t be afraid do change your mindset, experiment, and reach new heights!

P.S. In case you’ve used all the tips above and still can’t cope with writing, you may always order high-quality essay writing help.

Lucy Adams is one of the professional essay writers for hire. Feel free to supply Lucy with your ideas and soon, you’ll a high-quality paper for free. This diligent blogger is a generalist so that you have a great chance to get your topic covered, regardless of the direction! Don’t miss the chance to collaborate with this talented blogger on mutually beneficial conditions.

Related post: Exclusive: The Value of Criticism for an Aspiring Author

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