
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Ukrainian President: Those responsible for MH17 tragedy must be brought to justice

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that perpetrators of the MH17 tragedy must be punished. Ukraine and the countries whose citizens became victims of the tragedy make every effort to bring them to justice.
“Ukraine remembers every victim of the MH17 tragedy. Terrorism is inadmissible in any form and perpetrators of this tragedy must be punished,” the Head of State noted on the second anniversary of the MH17 tragedy that took place in the sky over Donbas occupied by Russians.
Petro Poroshenko stressed that in order to investigate the crime that took 298 lives and punish those guilty, Ukraine works actively with Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and the Netherlands to create an international mechanism for bringing every perpetrator to justice.

“Civil aircraft, Malaysian Boeing 777 was shot down by Russian terrorists who used weaponry produced and supplied by Russia. A lot has been already done to bring the criminals to justice. The Dutch Security Council has conducted a comprehensive technical investigation into the causes of the disaster. Criminal investigation of the crime is now being completed under the auspices of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Netherlands,” the President said.
The Head of State emphasized: only Russia hinders the investigation. “Abusing the veto, Russia has blocked the UN Security Council decision to establish the International Tribunal on the investigation of the MH17 tragedy, which is an indirect and logical proof of its involvement in the crime. However, jointly with our partners, we are doing everything necessary to bring those guilty to justice,” he noted.
The President stressed that every Ukrainian expressed condolences to hundreds of people who received dreadful news on July 17, 2014.
“Just as every Ukrainian, I share the pain of those who lost their beloved ones in the MH17 tragedy. And I will keep on fighting for every criminal responsible for this tragedy to face a deserved and inevitable punishment,” Petro Poroshenko stated.

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