
Sunday, July 17, 2016

5 things to know about man Turkey blames for coup

Fetullah Gülen is an influential Islamic cleric and a former close ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Tanks were still trawling the streets of Istanbul and the parliament in Ankara was under bombardment when Turkish government officials pointed at self-exiled Islamic cleric Fetullah Gülen as the man behind the attempted coup, carried out by a faction of the military.

Gülen is one of Turkey’s most powerful figures and an influential Islamic cleric because of schools his Hizmet movement runs in 150 countries. He has considerable wealth and international stature propelled by a media group he backs.

Gülen is also a former close ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and has been living in self-imposed exile in the U.S. since 1999.

The cleric has denied any involvement in the violence that ensued after a group from Turkey’s army declared Friday night that it was taking control of the country of 80 million people. The reclusive Gülen suggested that the failed coup, which has left at least 265 dead, was staged by Erdoğan and the government as a prelude to a massive crackdown on dissent and to claim more powers for an already powerful presidency.

Erdoğan called on Washington to extradite the cleric and accused the United States of harboring a terrorist behind a plot to overthrow the government.

Here are five things you need to know about the man at the center of a diplomatic spat between Ankara and Washington.

1) Powerful recluse in Pennsylvania

Gülen, 75, left Turkey in 1975 and eventually settled in a remote part of Pennsylvania, in the town of Saylorsburg. He remains the leader of the Hizmet movement that runs acclaimed schools and charities in Turkey and around the world, including several in the U.S.

He has considerable influence in Turkey despite the closure of the Zaman newspaper, with which he had been associated. The office of the newspaper and its English-language edition was stormed by government security forces in March. Analysts say Hizmet has suffered following Erdoğan’s efforts to eliminate any opposition to his government. The president was particularly adamant in his resolve to purge the military, police and judiciary of Gülen’s supporters, weakening the movement that has greatly infiltrated Turkey’s main institutions of power.

Despite the pressure, Gülen still enjoys the support of about 10 percent of Turkey’s population, according to opinion polls conducted before the coup. Former U.S. ambassador to Turkey James Jefferey has referred to Gülen as Turkey’s second-most powerful man.

2) One-time allies…

Back in the days before Erdoğan became president, the two were friends. Erdoğan shared in Gülen’s efforts to make the staunchly secular Turkey more Muslim.  

Gülen has been working on that effort since the 1960s, bringing Islamic values to the Turks under the radar of the authorities, through education and charitable work, rather than politics, similar to Islamic movements working under military-supported regimes in Arab countries that are republics in name only.

Erdoğan was elected president in 2014 and has served as the country’s prime minister since 2003. After taking office, he set off on a path of changing the constitution to transform a largely ceremonial presidency into a U.S.-style executive office. At the same time he remained committed to his Islamic faith and Muslim values, opening his country’s borders to 2.7 million Syrians fleeing war and funding charities through the government.

3) …turned enemies

With Gülen supporters and sympathizers in high places in law enforcement and among prosecutors and judges, the judiciary has launched several investigations into alleged corruption among senior members of Erdoğan’s AK Party in the past year. The probes have resulted in the sacking of several police commissioners and arrests of several of the president’s top associates.

That provoked Erdoğan’s fury: He accused the cleric of meddling with the judiciary and due process in Turkey, running a “state within a state” and a “parallel state.”

Gülen has mostly been silent about the accusations directed at him from Ankara. Two and a half years ago, he spoke to the BBC at his modest home in the U.S., telling the broadcaster that Erdoğan is overestimating his movement, with foreign diplomats and other observers saying it is not capable of conducting an elaborate plot against the president’s party and his government.

“It’s not possible for these judges and prosecutors to receive orders from me. I have no relation to them,” the cleric said at the time. “People in the judiciary and the police carried out investigations and launched this case, as their duties normally require. Apparently they weren’t informed that corruption and bribery have ceased to be criminal acts in Turkey.”

4) It’s war

Soon after the government said it had regained control of the country from the “coup plotters” Saturday, Erdoğan lashed out at Gülen and his alleged supporters, labeling them terrorists who tried to topple Turkey’s elected leadership and a “virus” that must be eradicated from society and “cleansed” from the army. He urged the U.S. to capture the cleric and hand him over. He also called on the cleric to return willingly and face trial in Turkey.

Across Turkey, at least 6,000 people have been detained on suspicion of participating in the coup and being sympathizers of Hizmet. Most of those detained are part of the military, but more than 2,700 judges and other judicial officials are also being held.

Speaking to the BBC in an interview that was broadcast Sunday, the cleric condemned the government crackdown.

“It appears they have no tolerance for any movement, any group and any organization that is not under their total control” suggesting that the government could have staged the coup in order to step up the crackdown. “I simply leave the door of that possibility open.”

5) What the U.S. says

Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. is willing to consider extraditing Gülen, which Erdoğan has called for since the coup attempt.

But Kerry told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that Turkish officials are still assembling evidence against the cleric and his alleged involvement in the coup. “They have not yet made a formal request,” Kerry said. If and when they do, “we will go through our legal process,” Kerry said.

The U.S. will “immediately” evaluate the facts once they are submitted, Kerry said, and emphasized that “Turkey is a friend” and an ally. “We’re not holding back from doing anything, nor have we ever been,” Kerry said. “We’ve always said, look, if you have evidence of X, Y or Z, please present it to us.”

But Kerry warned that the U.S. has “very strict standards in order to protect people’s rights.”

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