
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ukraine simplifies access of western medications to national pharmaceutical market

The Verkhovna Rada adopted the law, which shortens the period of registration of medicines to 10 days and provides for a simplified procedure for medicines that are already registered in the EU, the U.S., Switzerland, Australia, and Canada.

Draft law No.4484 "On Amendments to Art. 9 of the Law ‘On Medicines’(with respect to the state registration (re-registration) of medicinal products)" was supported as a basis and in general by 239 deputies with 226 votes required for the bill to pass.

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Healthcare Olha Bohomolets said that this bill would eliminate the monopoly of the pharmaceutical companies on the Ukrainian market of medicines and facilitate the entry to the Ukrainian market of medicines already registered in the developed countries. "It allows us, according to the model of the European Community, to bring into the territory of Ukraine those medicines that Ukrainians today buy in Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia, those that are much cheaper than those available in Ukraine," said Bogomolets.
As noted in the explanatory memorandum, the term of decision-making by the Ministry of Health on drug registration is reduced to 10 working days [previously, it was a month]. It is also envisaged that the state registration of a medicinal product containing the active substance, which has already been registered by the competent authorities of the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Canada or the European Union, will be carried out under the simplified procedure.
As UNIAN reported earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers on April 20 adopted a number of decisions on the drug market deregulation with the aim of filling the market and establishing competitive prices for medicines in Ukraine.

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