
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Remote Worker's Guide To Staying Healthy

By Victor Abadio, posted in Toptal  

Remote work, or working from home. A common dream that is becoming more and more a reality. 

When most people think about working in a home environment, they think they will be able to wake up late, work in their pajamas, not worry about traffic jams and so on; basically, do whatever they want. 

And, while that may be partially true, working remotely can have an effect on your physical health. That’s why it is important for remote developers to stay active and healthy, and that’s what we’re dicussing today.

Granted, there are a lot of developers who take good care of themselves and enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle. If you are one of them, you can skip the rest of this post, because I wrote it to help developers like myself, who could benefit from a healthier lifestyle. Even if you are entirely focused on your career, and think you don’t have enough spare time to lead a healthy lifestyle, bear in mind that good physical health will also boost your productivity.

Having worked remotely for four years, I have a few tips for newcomers and those who already work from home, but don’t want to sit around when they’re not working. Keep in mind that everything I’m about to say isdrawn from personal experience and from things I’ve learned; I am not a doctor or trainer in any way.

Routines Are Important For Remote Workers

The whole point of working remotely is that you don’t have to commit to that boring 9-to-5 office routine, right? Right. But you also need some sort of structure to stay organized and separate your work hours from your chill time.

Whether you like to work in the morning or at night, every remote developer needs to stick to a routine that works for them.

Maybe you work better at night? If you don’t have to attend meetings during daytime work hours then there’s nothing wrong with working from, say, 7pm to 3am and sleeping ‘til noon. Maybe you want to keep working from 9am to 6pm because you like it or your company demands it. That’s fine, too.
I’m saying you need to keep in mind the hours you should be working and the hours you are free to do whatever you want. Of course, some flexibility is involved, especially when you need to cooperate with clients and remote teams on other continents. You’re working with a time that’s seven hours ahead of your local time, so that particular week you’ll be working a little later than usual.
You have to adjust, but at the same time make sure you draw a clear line between work and play time.

Make Time For Yourself

With taking your routine seriously in hand, you need to make sure it includes time away from work. A time only for you to enjoy it how you want. Want to go for a walk on the beach everyday on sunrise? Great. Want to spend it playing Candy Crush? That’s also fine.
Scheduled time away from work is of extreme importance when working remotely. It will keep you sane. It is very easy to get lost in your work. Ever met a developer who doesn’t have a freelancing business or side project out of their daytime job? I know I’ve never met one.

Every remote worker should set clear working hours and enjoy enough quality time, indoors and outdoors.

I like to think of this part of the day as chill time. I like to spend it reading science fiction books. I make sure to take time to read twice: right after lunch and just before bed. If I have other available time slots during the day I’d probably do that, too; there’s no such thing as too much Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke or Philip K. Dick for me.
Note that your chill time does not mean laying around, exerting no physical effort, whatsoever. It does not mean you should be alone, either. You can spend it with your friends and family, or maybe take a quick walk in the park with your dog.
Exercising is even better, which brings me to the next point.

Exercise Regularly

It is no secret that people who exercise regularly feel better and have more energy, and are thus more productive. In fact, remote workers tend to be more productive than their office counterparts to beging with. If you invest a little time and effort in fitness, you should be able to boost your productivity further. This means you can widen the gap between yourself and your office-bound competition, and on top of that you can be healthier as well.

Usually, it is easier to get yourself to the gym when you work in an office. Perhaps because it is close to work, or because you go there with a friend after you’re done for the day. People find it hard to get up early when they don’t have to, especially to work out. Laziness is not the only culprit here. Maybe you don’t like to work out alone, but most of your friends are at work when you want to go to the gym or shoot some hoops. Maybe you’re skinny and don’t think you have to do anything to improve your health. However, you can be thin and still be out of shape.
I used to be chubby. Really chubby. I started gaining weight when I began working in another city and spent four hours or more commuting to and from work. Then, I switched companies and started working from home, and it only got worse, because I failed to adjust my routine. But before long, I decided I needed to do some other activity that did not involve a computer or me laying on my couch, munching snacks.

Find an enjoyable pastime that will get you out of your home office and help you get back into shape.

Enter tennis. I always loved watching tennis, but the thought of playing never crossed my mind. Until it did. I started taking classes once a week and I really liked it. Then, I upgraded to three times a week; I even paid for my sister to take classes too. After that, I joined a club and started playing with her whenever I could. Weekends, spare time during the week, you name it, I was there on a regular basis, trying to improve my game.
Although I had never felt better, for a couple of years that was all I did. I still would eat wrong (we’ll get to that in a second). I was still chubby and not happy about it. So I sought professional help. I Googled nutritionists in my area and scheduled an appointment. I described my eating habits to her and she stunned me; nothing I put in my belly was good for me. So, I left there with a diet that contained things I did not eat ever, much less daily. On top of that, I joined a gym (went daily, at night) and started running (three times a week, in the morning). I lost 15 kilos in 2 months. Mission accomplished. I was happy, healthy and fit. I also worked a lot better, too.

Now, I’m not saying you need to do what I did, this is my story, my personal experience. My point here is that you need to move your body more than the Saturday afternoon game with the guys from your old job. If you don’t like lifting weights, take up a sport. Go run in the park when the sun is starting to fade and it’s not so hot out. Call another developer friend and help each other commit to daily spinning classes. Just get yourself out of the house and into some sort of activity. The first step is always hard, but once you get used to it, or find something that you really look forward to, you’ll feel a lot better.
JavaScript Developer
Victor is a Front-end Developer and WordPress specialist.
He is based in São Paulo, Brazil.
Victor has seven years of experience developing web pages as a freelancer
and working on teams for agencies, and most recently, start-ups.

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