Friday, April 15, 2016

Volodymyr Groysman and NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow agreed to prepare a comprehensive support package to Ukraine

On Friday, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman held a meeting with NATO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, during which the sides discussed future cooperation between Ukraine and NATO.
Volodymyr Groysman informed his interlocutor that the day before Ukraine saw the formation of a new Cabinet of Ministers. In particular, for the first time in the history of Ukraine in the Government it has been created a new post - Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, he underlined.

Cooperation with #NATO is important in the activity of the newly formed Cabinet of Ministers and for Ukraine as a whole, the Head of Government emphasized. "We will invest in our cooperation with you new strength and energy to develop what we achieved, as well as expand our cooperation," stressed the Prime Minister.
In turn, Alexander Vershbow congratulated Volodymyr Groysman on his appointment as Prime Minister of Ukraine and the creation of the post of Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration in the Cabinet of Ministers.
"We believe the new Government to be an opportunity to give a new impetus to reforms," noted AlexanderVershbow, stressing the need for implementation of necessary changes in all spheres of life, including the fight against corruption and reform of the defense and security sector of Ukraine in line with NATO standards. "You should have enough energy and enthusiasm to implement reforms," the Deputy Secretary General expressed his desire to the members of the new Government.
In this context, Volodymyr Groysman and Alexander Vershbow agreed to enhance the support for the security and defence reforms. To this end the parties will develop a comprehensive support package to meet the needs of our country till the Warsaw Summit in July. NATO Deputy Secretary General expressed confidence that the Warsaw Summit of NATO would be quite reasonable "opportunity to draw attention to the progress which Ukraine has already made, and demonstrate Ukraine’s desire to implement reforms in life."
The parties agreed to resume the work of a State Inter-ministerial Commission on cooperation with NATO."Ukraine has missed many previous windows of opportunity.  Let us resolve not to miss this one", the Deputy Secretary General pointed out.

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