Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Ukrainian Business Law (Basic): Part II "BUSINESS ENTITIES"

Business entities shall be understood to be parties to economic relationships that carry out economic activity, exercising their economic competence (integrity of economic rights and obligations), have separate property and suffer liability by their obligations within this property, except for cases, envisaged by the law.

The following shall be deemed business entities:

1) legal entities, established pursuant to the Civil Code of Ukraine;

2) state, municipal and other enterprises, set up in accordance with the Economic  Code of Ukraine;

3) citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons that conduct business activity and are registered as entrepreneurs according to the law.

Legal entity is an organization established and registered according to the procedure
specified by the law.
Legal entity is vested with legal capacity and capability and may act as a plaintiff or a
defendant in the court.
Legal entity may be created by integration of natural persons and (or) the property.
Legal entities may be created in the form of partnerships, institutions and other forms
established by the law.

A partnership is an organization created by uniting persons (participants) with the right to
the participation in this partnership. The partnership may be organized by one person
unless otherwise established by the law.

Partnerships shall be divided to entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial.

The partnerships carrying out the entrepreneurial activity with the purpose of receiving profit
and subsequent distribution thereof among their participants (entrepreneurial partnerships)
may be created solely as economic partnerships (general partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability partnership, additional liability partnership, joint-stock partnership) or
production cooperatives.

Non-entrepreneurial partnerships are the partnerships not aimed at the receipt of profit for the subsequent distribution thereof among their participants.

Institution is an organization created by one or several persons (founders) who do not
participate in management thereof by uniting (separation) their property with the purpose
of achieving the goal specified by the founders at the expense of this property.

Enterprise, to be understood as an independent business entity set up by a competent state authority or local government, or other parties for the purpose of satisfaction of public or personal needs through regular production, academic and research, trade, and other activity in keeping with the procedure established by the Economic Code and other laws.

An enterprise may not have other incorporated legal entities.

Enterprises in Ukraine may be of the following types depending on ownership forms established by the law:

private enterprise that acts on the basis of private property of individuals or a business entity (a legal entity);

enterprise that acts on the basis of collective property (a collective property enterprise);

municipal enterprise that acts on the basis of municipal property of a territorial community;
state enterprise that acts on the basis of state property;

enterprise set up on a mixed ownership form (on the basis of combination of property of various ownership forms).

An individual shall be deemed a business entity in the event he/she is involved in an entrepreneurial activity on condition of his/her state registration as an entrepreneur without the legal entity status.

An individual entrepreneur shall be liable for his/her obligations with all his/her property, which may be seized according to the law.

The individual may be involved in entrepreneurial activity:

directly as an entrepreneur or through a private enterprise set up by the individual;
with or without the employed labor;

independently or jointly with other persons.

The individual shall conduct management of the private enterprise set by him/her directly through the manager hired on the contractual basis.

The individual entrepreneur shall be under the obligation to:

obtain the license for performing certain types of economic activity in cases and according to the procedure established by the law;

inform state registration authorities of a change of address indicated in the registration documents, subject of activity, other essential terms of his/her entrepreneurial activity subject to specification in the registration documents;

comply with rights and lawful interests of consumers, secure proper quality of products (works, services) manufactured by him/her, observe the rules of mandatory product certification established by the law;

not to allow unfair competition, other violations of antimonopoly and competition legislation;
keep records of the results of entrepreneurial activity in compliance with legislative requirements;

provide to tax authorities in timely manner income statements, other required documents for charging taxes and other obligatory payments; pay taxes and other obligatory payments in keeping with the procedure and in sizes established by the law.

All provisions are taken from the Civil Code  and Economic Code of Ukraine

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