Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ukraine coordinates elaboration of a Savchenko Sanction List with the European Union and the United States – President at the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius to discuss the settlement of the situation in Donbas and the interaction between Ukraine and the EU.

The Head of State expressed gratitude for Lithuania’s consistent position on support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, as well as on the necessity of continuation of the EU sanctions against Russia until full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

The parties emphasized that the key element for political settlement of the situation in Donbas was security, which provides for the withdrawal of Russian troops, weaponry and military equipment. This may create preconditions for the further political settlement of the situation and provide an opportunity for holding elections in the area.

Petro Poroshenko praised the efforts of the Lithuanian side aimed at liberating the Ukrainian pilot. The parties coordinated elaboration of a Savchenko Sanction List.

The Head of State noted that the Ukrainian party demanded immediate access to Nadiya Savchenko for the Ukrainian and German doctors, as well as the ICRC specialists.

The President informed that the Parliament had approved his amendments to electronic declaration in compliance with the EU standards, which is an important step towards the introduction of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU. “It is vitally important that the Parliament has pulled itself together and adopted this essential decision in conditions of political crisis,” Petro Poroshenko said.

The Foreign Minister of Lithuania praised the approval of the amendments and noted that it would create an opportunity for the introduction of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians.
Petro Poroshenko thanked Linas Linkevičius for his active participation in the process of peaceful settlement of the situation in Donbas. The Foreign Minister of Lithuania plans to visit Mariupol in the coming days.

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