Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Strategy for Agriculture Development 2015-2020 sets 10 strategic priorities

The land reform, food security, development of agro-food chains of added value, rural development and revival of Ukrainian villages – these are the strategic priorities of the Unified Comprehensive Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development 2015-2020, as stated by Yaroslav Krasnopolskyi, the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine at the 7th Annual Conference of Adam Smith Institute, the “Ukrainian Agribusiness Forum”.
“The major strategic priorities of the Strategy also include the implementation of institutional reforms. These are the changes that should take place at the Ministry itself and in the central executive authorities subordinate to the Ministry. Moreover, this applies to the State Forestry Agency, the State Agency for Fisheries and the State Inspection for Consumer Protection of Ukraine”, the First Deputy Minister stressed.

Yaroslav Krasnopolskyi stressed the next priority – the taxation system: “There is an ongoing discussion on amendments to the taxation system in early 2016, as this is a serious challenge to Ukrainian farmers. I bear mentioning that yesterday the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on taxation and customs affairs discussed the ways to a compromise solution. This issue needs revision and further discussions”.
Among the other priorities of the Strategy, the official specifically highlighted the development of business environment and fight against corruption, the creation of a stable legal system, which complies with the international and European standards, and also the access to the international markets, trade policy and promotion of export.
“Moreover, the other important aspect is the development of education, science and consulting services. Despite the transfer of the agricultural research institutions to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, we still continue to control the policy related to the education system, the development of study programs and training processes”, Yaroslav Krasnopolskyi stressed.

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