Tuesday, March 22, 2016

President conveyed the Hero of Ukraine award to the wife of Georgiy Gongadze

The Head of State conveyed the Hero of Ukraine award to the widow of murdered journalist Georgiy Gongadze Myroslava Gongadze.

“Almost after 16 years since the tragic death of Georgiy, I have a high honor and responsibility to convey to you and your family the highest state award, which Georgiy Gongadze truly deserves,” the President said.

The President noted the contribution of Georgiy Gongadze to the development of independent Ukraine, struggle for freedom of speech and development of independent media.

“Georgiy sacrificed his life for Ukraine. He is an example of a true Ukrainian,” Petro Poroshenko stressed.

The President also added that the title of the Hero of Ukraine in a belligerent country has acquired its real value. In the course of the last two years, only several dozens of Ukrainians have been honored to receive it.

In her turn, Myroslava Gongadze emphasized: “Georgiy has always been ready to sacrifice his life for Ukraine. If he was alive now, he would be there – on the eastern border. He would be proud of this award, if he was alive”.

The President thanked Myroslava for saving ties with the Homeland, working as a Goodwill Ambassador and enhancing strategic partnership between Ukraine and the United States through public diplomacy, which is especially important for countering Russian aggression.

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