Wednesday, March 2, 2016

House bill allows guns in courthouses

Jimmie E. Gates, The Clarion-Ledger

The state House passed a bill Monday to allow individuals with enhanced concealed-carry permits to bring guns into courthouses.

Passage comes a week after a man was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for shooting to death another man outside the Madison County Courthouse.

State Rep. Andy Gipson, R-Braxton, who filed House Bill 571, said the proposal would prevent a judge from issuing an order to prevent a person with an enhanced permit from bringing a gun into a courthouse.

"Some judges are putting orders out to include parking lots,"  Gipson said.

The House passed the bill 78-42. However, it was held on a motion to reconsider, meaning it could come back up for  more debate before it can be sent to the Senate.

Gipson said the aim of the bill is to clarify what constitutes a courthouse and courtroom.

The bill said a courthouse means any building in which a circuit court, chancery court, youth court, municipal court or justice court is located, or any building in which a court of law is regularly held, but says a courthouse doesn't mean the grassed areas, cultivated flower beds, sidewalks, parking lots, or other areas contained within the boundaries of the public land upon which the courthouse is located.

Also, it says a courtroom means the actual room in which a judicial proceeding occurs, including any jury room, witness room, judge's chamber, office housing the judge's staff, or similar room, but doesn't mean hallways, courtroom entrances, courthouse grounds, lobbies, corridors, or other areas within a courthouse which are generally open to the public for the transaction of business outside of an active judicial proceeding.

"It's almost like we are going wild, wild West around here," said Rep. Adrienne Wooten, D-Jackson, an attorney who voiced opposition to the bill.

Wooten said the legislation, if passed, would allow a person to carry a gun in the hallways of a courthouse, in offices, and in the parking lot. Mississippi issues two types of concealed-carry gun permits: An enhanced permit requires firearms training while the standard concealed-carry permit does not.

State Rep. Ed Blackmon, D-Canton, asked Gipson if he was aware of the incident involving the shooting death in the parking lot of the Madison County Courthouse.

William Wells was convicted last week of first-degree murder and  sentenced to life in prison for the point-blank shooting death of Kendrick Brown, 37, in August.

According to officials, Brown was on his way to a status hearing to turn down a plea deal and schedule a trial when Wells drove up, got out of the vehicle and shot him.

District Attorney Michael Guest said Wells' mother, Sherry Wells, was set to testify against Brown last August on drug charges. Brown was indicted for sale of cocaine and conspiracy to sell cocaine, and was charged as a habitual offender.

Canton Police Chief Otha Brown said that Sherry Wells was shot in the leg the Saturday before the fatal shooting.

At the time, Guest said Wells shooting Brown could have been possible retaliation for the shooting involving his mother.

"What about people who lay in wait?" Blackmon asked Gipson of allowing people to have guns in parking lots of courthouses.

Gipson said deputies and courthouse security could handle such situations.

But Blackmon said several deputies witnessed the shooting on the courthouse grounds. Blackmon said deputies wouldn't be able to do anything until a person pulls a weapon and that could be too late.

Some lawmakers expressed concern about a person being allowed to carry a weapon into a courthouse where some cases become heated, especially domestic and child custody cases.

In addition to House Bill 571, the House passed a bill saying state and local officials shouldn't comply with a presidential executive order dealing with guns and ammunition laws.
The bill  passed 75-46, but it was also held on a motion to reconsider.

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