Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Arseniy Yatsenyuk: The failure to support the bill on the confiscation of US$ 1.5 billion of Yanukovych means to whitewash the crimes of the former regime

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk appealed to Parliament to urgently get back to voting the bill on the confiscation of US$ 1.5 billion of the former regime. The failure to support this law means “to whitewashthe crimes of the former regime” – the PM has announced at a Government meeting today, Wednesday, March 16.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk has reminded that yesterday the Parliament of Ukraine failed to support the law which provides an opportunity for Ukrainian law enforcement to confiscate US$1 billion 520 million that had been plundered by the former regime. According to him, the aforesaid sum was arrested by a governmental body – theState Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine – back in 2014. The owners of these assets are 42 non-resident companies registered in Cyprus, the Seychelles, Panama, the UK, Belize: "The owners of these companies are direct associates of Viktor Yanukovych and his inner circle".

The Prime Minister demonstrated materials containing the schemes to funnel assets and concrete proofsthat "close associates of Viktor Yanukovych and him personally appear direct or indirect owners of these non-resident companies against which an investigation was instituted."
Pursuant to the law of Ukraine on the state budget, stressed Arseniy Yatsenyuk, part of these funds should be directed to the Ministry of Defence to cover state demands in defence sector, whilst the other part - on social and economic development of the state.
He appealed to all political parties of the democratic coalition: "Why didn’t you support the law yesterday? Which of the democratic parties is willing to protect the supporters of Yanukovych and hampers the chance toconfiscate the money stolen from people of Ukraine?"
"We should check yesterday’s results of voting to answer this question", stressed the Head of Government.
"This was and still remains a key demand of the Maidan and the Ukrainian people – to restore justice. Thissum worth US$ 1.5 billion might be compared to as assistance from the Government of the United States of America. Hence, who will dare to help us, if funds that we arrested haven’t been forfeited throughout a year andthe investigation hasn’t been completed?", urged Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
"This is not politics, it is the whitewash of the crimes of the former regime", he emphasized.
The Prime Minister of Ukraine called on members of Parliament to promptly get back to voting for a bill, "to provide a procedural opportunity for Ukrainian law-enforcement system to carry out the procedure of forfeiture and to recover money stolen from people to fill the Ukrainian state treasury."
The Head of Government handed over the relevant documents to the Minister of Internal Affairs of UkraineArsen Avakov and appealed to the Minister of the Interior "to contact Western partners and ask law enforcement agencies of other countries to help to find out the ultimate owners of these companies and prevent an opportunity to change companies owners abroad": "To my mind, it is now being discussed. They expect either the replacement of the Government or a change of policy and positions. And then they will say that they couldn't haveconfiscated (the funds)".
"It is crucial to urgently adopt the law and enable prosecutors to conclude an investigation and pursuantto the law to confiscate these assets. Our western partners should help the Ukrainian law enforcement agenciesand the Ukrainian people to facilitate the forfeiture of funds and to prevent an opportunity to transfer ownershiprights regarding these 42 non-resident company to someone else who then, through the judicial system of Ukraine, will make money back and distribute it not as expenditures in the state budget, but among the other corrupt officials", said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

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